Red Vs. Blue Vs. Gravity. Blockdrop Court. Hey there everyone. So NOKYARD, created an amazing map for grifball a while ago, and then I had a wonderful idea. Flying Blocks. And apparently, the idea was concieved well enough that it is also in the recently revamped Grifball playlist! Onto the map. As previously mentioned, I did not create anything in the map except the mancannons, flying blocks, posts and sideways blocks in the walls, the rest of the amazing geometry comes from runNOKYARDrun and his freakisly accurate forging. (Also, go into Halo Waypoint and check out his VideoInterview, It's pretty awesome) YouTube- BlockDrop Court.wmv Things to note: Flying blocks have the velocity to splatter a player. However, they will not splatter the bomb carrier, they will however, push him, quite far. Many, many thanks to Nokyard for helping me get my other grifball map into matchmaking and allowing me to make the variation of his own, I owe it to you. Download.
Woahh dude, very nice both aesthetically, and gameplay-wise. This map plays great. Plus. You made a dome map for everyone to use for their own maps, like the dome built on foundry, used for matador and such. Anyways, thanks! DL!
Amazing map, I got invited to test it today although I couldnt connect which made me really sad when I saw what you guys were playing. Congrats on getting those maps on double xp, they are the best griball maps eva!
Thanks guys, but keep in mind, I did not make the map, I simply made a variation of it. All credit goes to runNOKYARDrun for his amazing creation.
I know you didnt make it but its griffball so who doesnt like it!? Im still sad i didnt get to play it with you guys :|
It's not just the splattering that makes this map great. Having these random blocks on the floor adds a completely new layer of strategy to the game. You can use them to deke blockers, launch from them, hide behind them off radar, and if the runners can time it right they could be used to bump you to the other side of the map. Of course they can also stop launches and splatter a unshielded runner. Either way we expect to get plenty of clips for the highlight reel off of this map.
nice job with the blocks but i havent dl it yet and i was wondering does the gravity hammer affect the blocks?
You should try adding radio antennas either falling or stationary. These have somewhat unique momentum properties as the majority of their mass is in the base. Simply hitting a Radio Antenna with a gravity hammer correctly could send one end hurtling towards an emeny for a splatter or at least knocking the enemy away.
No it does not effect the blocks. The whole point of this variation is not to give players another offensive weapon, yet, more of a line of sight blocker, giving the bomb carrier opportunities that are not present in other Grifball variants. Not to mension, in laggy games, the blocks are all ready difficult enough to follow, adding radio antennas would just cluster the map. Be sure to get your fill of this variant in this weekend's DXP.