Close-Quarters Massacre DOWNLOAD MURDEROTICA YES. IT HAS A SHOTGUN AND A HAMMER. DONT LIKE IT? DONT DOWNLOAD IT. LIKE IT TOO MUCH TO NOT DOWNLOAD IT? PLAY SWORDS OR SWAT OR SOMETHING ON IT INSTEAD. CHANGES: Due to a high volume of complaint, i have removed the maulers and replaced them with SMGs. The hammer spawn time has been lengthened, as well as the shotgun. Shield door at lift stays. ||Description|| This is a three-story structure i have built with the intentions of amazing 1on1 games. It can also hold up to 4 people, but i wouldnt suggest anymore than that. This map ONLY works with FFA slayer. I've spent a great deal of time making it look as nice as possible. The basement has the shotgun and a lift to the top floor, the second story has the overshield and bubbleshield while the third and final floor contains the hammer and some plasma grenades. ||INVENTORY|| • plasma grenades [6] • shotgun [90 spawn] • battle rifles [2] • spikers [2] • hammer [180 spawn] • smg [4] • bubble shield • power drain ||SETUP FOR|| - FFA SLAYER [2-4 players] - TEAM SLAYER [2v2] - SWORDS [not included] - HAMMERZEIT [not included] - SHOTGUNS [not included] ||LAYOUT|| There she is. I finally have this map the way i want it. Everytime i have friends over, they request this map several times. Look past your judgement of pictures and inventory and just PLAY the map with some friends. You'll see this can actually make for some insanely fun sessions. - Thanks, John.
So let me get this straight, you a Shotgun, a Grav Hammer and 2 Maulers. That sounds like a very frustrating game for whomever doesn't get the hammer first.
Actually, shotgun generally beats hammer... But you do have too many close-quarters weapons for such a small map, get rid of one of them (or both maulers). And watch out for where you put those shield doors, shotgun campers can ruin a game. Other than that, the map looks pretty good, especially the barrier room and the mancannon room.
Yeah, im surprised that changing weapons wasnt one of the things u changed when u made version 2.0... Seriously, take out shield doors, and put on ONE mauler... and some medium range weapons. Other than that, this looks superb!
you have to play it to understand the physics. This map isnt for everyone, but ive had many raving reviews from actual players.
I can't wait to test this map out. It looks very well made. I like the look of the long shotgun tunnel, reminds me of lockout/blackout.
This map looks pretty good. I especially like the fence wall "hall" that I am assuming is underground-ish. The man cannons down there add to a nice aesthetic touch.
First of all this map looks like it could be fun (aside from camp weapons) It looks like youve made a pretty solid map, but i would definalty switch the weapons up, to many poeple could just camp. and it looks to me like the guy you were killing in your screen shots wasnt even playing.. lol
the guy was playing, i assure you haha. usually my friends and i have 4 person free for all games on it. its hectic, but its loads of fun. additionally, like i keep telling you this, you need to forget your expectations for this map and how weapons normally work. When playing this map, PARTICULARLY when you have 4 people on it... there isnt TIME to camp. you can try to, and sometimes you may succeed... but for the most part, standing and camping is really hard. the sheild door is only to protect from grenade spamming from the basement. it covers the lift tunnel, its not just sitting there. give it a try with some friends and THEN tell me i should reconsider. (which i wont, cause it defeats my purpose for this map).
Alright I have Dl'd and checked it out. Good close quarters map overall, but I did notice a few things. The floor on one of the upper levels ( I think it's the 3rd) doesn't go all the way to the wall and you can get sort of stuck in it. It might mess up the gameplay a tad. I like the mancannon hallway, it'll provide for some pretty funny accidental sticks with the way the nades bounce around. The aesthetics are really good and the architecture is neat, but I think if you added another room and fixed the floor it'd be a lot better. I probably only want anotehr room because I'm not a big fan of close-quarters maps. Overall I deem this a 4/5 great effort.