Cool Forerunner Semi-Linear Covies vs Flood Infection Map (Working Title)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thecairocat, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    Cool Forerunner Semi-Linear Covies vs Flood Infection Map
    (Working Title)

    Hi, welcome to the CFSLCvFIM, though you can call it the SLCvF for short. Anyways, this map is still in the planning stage, nomadically travelling from napkins to homework to receipts. As you may have guessed I don't have an awesome name yet for this map, but I do have some other neat stuff to share. I'm almost gonna be using this as a blog to follow my own progress, but it'll be here so people can give feedback too. I'm trying to decide if I should have the map on my file share so people can see what I've done when I get to that point, but I fear nefarious no-good stalker types will swipe my creations and make them their own, so I'll get back to that. Well, it's not like I could really make a map preview without some visual media, so I've got a finely crafted diagram made up in paint (Don't get me wrong, though, I'm a hardcore Apple fan) that shows you what I'm envisioning.



    Of course I want to give credit to those that may have prompted me to envision this map. I know that nothing in the world is original, but still I know how much I'd love it to see my map as someone's inspiration, so here goes:

    ImWithStupid for his map War on Iraq. It was what got me thinking that Infection can go beyond zombies, and that two sides with weapons can still be balanced.

    •Bungie for that awesome bridge in The Covenant, which this map is loosely based on.

    a0puncfan for his ODST series. His maps made me realize that Covenant can play a defensive role and you can use this to break away from the everlasting Humans vs. Something Bad maps.

    •The whole team of awesome people who made Conquest. Seeing it made me realize that despite what I was told by many, making a gametype that's completely linear won't completely suck balls.

    Things I'm on the fence about

    •Where to set the slider between linear and open in this map

    •Whether to give the Covenant a Spawn Hopper or just weapons on the ground

    •Whether to give the Flood a Spawn Hopper or just weapons on the ground

    •Whether to give Flood 5 second invincibility at spawn (Anti Spawn-Kill)

    •What to make the last Covenant standing

    •Silly enough, whether to make the zombies Flood, Humans, or both (Alphas)

    •Whether to make the Alpha Master Chief

    •Whether to go for size or aesthetics


    Yeah, so, that's sorta it. I'll be postin' moar when I' got moar.

    Oh yeah, meanwhile check out Cargo below, it's really cool!
  2. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Excellent idea, I liked your cargo map so do well on this one and you'll have a dl from me.

    Oh yeah, and the title made me lol.
  3. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    From the layout, it gives me the impression the map is very disorienting because I see a handful of dead ends. Is this intentional?

    Also, dont worry about idea theft, It happens all the time and if you are using this thread as a blog I cant see anyone ripping you off, but if it happens to you- you should be flattered because original ideas are few and far between...

    Anyways I look forward to seeing the finished product!
  4. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    OK, for a name, I like "It's our" "ly Salvation..." So it forms "It's Our only salvation..." in the lobby.

    Last covvie should be an arbiter.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    It seems like some of the choke points could be too easy for defenders to keep zombies away. Could you expand more on what weapons and zombie traits you expect to have on the map?
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I'm wondering about elevations.
    You said it's loosely based off that citadel place so for elevation differences I would kinda follow the same pattern.
    This meaning that each sides spawn would be higher then towards the middle drop it down slightly.
    That was like my favorite part of that level was jumping down on the brutes while fuel rods were wailing at me and the flood fighting by my side o_O weird stuff
  7. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    Update 3-31

    Update - 3/31​

    Addressing the Inquiries and Comments of the ForgeHub Community

    A: As it is an Infection map, these are places to provide temporary shelter for Covenant. I realize that it may become disorienting to players, so Flood will see all waypoints to both guide them to prey faster and mimic their hive-mind nature.

    A: Good idea, I was thinking of that. Since at first the Flood will be agile and fast, but weak, they will balance out the slow but shielded Covenant. But when the advantage of numbers grows clear, the Arbiter will gain their building-vaulting abilities and fast running. I think this will also lead to a more aggressive Last Man Standing which is always more epic and entertaining than the camping noob no one had bothered until now.

    True. I can't give you exact numbers now, but I was imagining flood with 50% Damage on Flood, but with Swords and Pistols at the start. The pistols will be fine for zombies since they will need over 10 shots to kill a shielded Covie. It'll also take two sword whaps to kill a Covie. I know this may sound underpowered, but Covie shields don't recharge to imitate brute power armor and are 75% power.

    Another thing to mention is that the sections with mere walls instead of large black areas (there are two) seem to be the main choke points. These are actually buildings, and Flood can jump on top of them. While on top they're exposed to the Range-oriented Covie weaponry but can flank campers and attack them from both sides. Covies (excluding Arby) don't have what it takes to get up there. Since Covies only die once, Flood can pick up their weapons when they die, but after 30 seconds the Covies can't pick up any more guns or equipment, and thus can't scavenge flood or dead allies.

    Well, yes and no. The flood spawn is elevated, but the pathway descends in sections as you continue, that makes the Flood spawn a one-way safe hive for them and encourages Covenant not to go on the offense. The section at the far end with the two bridges where the Covies spawn is a high point and suited to long-ranged fighting.
  8. LD

    LD Ancient
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    What ever you do, dont change the name!
    Are there any screenshots yet?

    Also, I like the Idea of giving the Flood invincibility. But is there any reason for the covies to leave their spawn?
  9. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    As for screenshots, sorry, but this map is still in the theoretical stage, I'm looking for a partner to build with but as of now don't have my Xbox Mic with me so that'd be difficult.

    On Covie spawns: There will be Various powerups and weapons scattered across the map, starting at minor things on the sides and getting more powerful as you go on. Since Covenant have 30 seconds to get guns before the rest are claimed by the flood, they have to go out and capture the Fuel Rod and Hammer or else the Flood will take them all. This is supposed to simulate the Flood 'infecting' other Covenant and taking their weapons/shields. There will also be a Brute powerup and Chieftain powerup right before the Covie spawn where only the Flood can get it. This way the further they let the flood advance the stronger they become.

    This was my way of encouraging aggression, having game progression, and utilizing risk vs reward. My problem with it is getting all this information through to player effectively on the first playthrough so a Covie doesn't spend the game trying to grenade-jump to the Flood powerups until some Flood comes along and consumes his rather feeble brains.

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