Halcyon A Transforgers map Designed and forged by Fritzster DOWNLOAD The Halcyon project is a map series within itself and I am wholeheartedly glad that the map has a full release version – through alpha concept, constant streamlining of design, and the many, many games played on the beta from the past two weeks until today’s release. Halcyon map project was started back in April 2009 when the Transforgers level design team was at its peak of production spawning three maps in the same project. Halcyon was always the number one spot in the complete lineup of 7 transforgers maps, five of which are released today. We became very enthusiastic on designing halo maps, spending massive amounts of effort. Time was also spent at the beginning of the production of halcyon working side by side with strong mlg-guidance connections. Most of which completely diminished over the months. I’ve taken up the challenge and have carried Halcyon all the way ‘til an mlg finished map. Quite easily my most worked on map I consider halcyon my forge showcase. Showing off the gameplay that can come from user generated content, and it is amazing gameplay. Halcyon plays all MLG gametypes, however, king of the hill and team slayer are the map’s best. The three hills are all located all around the central horseshoe-mid level. The sequences of hills are diamonds, red lobby, diamonds, blue lobby, diamonds, etc. Defending the hills becomes a nice learning curve of knowing the spawns and movement of the map. No matter where you are in the hill you constantly need to be watching your six, nine, three and the like. The map somewhat resembles a symmetrical damnation in which you’ll spawn out of hot spots with weapons of the base level, and lead to fight your way to higher ground to make the most use of the snipers, rocket, and the custom OS that spawns two minutes in. The hot spots for fighting are the bottom player space ring and the outer upper mid horseshoe-lobbies. Spawning in the gardens, basement, and back lower base compliment the contrast of negative centralized geometry in which the map features. Every gametype has your starting spawn’s back base corners, a map style very unique to the mlg forging scene. CONCEPT WORK YouTube- Halcyon Preview HALCYON SNAPSHOTS CALLOUTS GAMETYPES MLG King (featured) MLG TS (featured) MLG Ball MLG CTF 5Flag MLG FFA WEAPONS MLG standardized weapon set Sniper Rifle x2 Rockets x1 Custom Powerup x1 Plasma Pistol X1 Battle Rifle x6 Plasma Grenade x8 Thanks for the support with testing and feedback with this map. You know who you are. I now give it back to play many games to come on this released version of Halcyon. DOWNLOAD HALCYON MLG GAMETYPES
I'm currently at school, so excuse the lack of review. Regardless, the architecture is top notch from what I can tell. (I would expect nothing less, of course.) My only sceptical concern is the hight variation; it seems to be a very vertical layout. And that isn't a bad thing, my map Plex is full-crypt with a vertically heavy middle piece. I really look forward to seeing this in game. P.s. Stop removing me and half the MLG forge community you rat bastard.
Im a big fan of the abstract shapes and sizes and this really "hits the nail on the head". I was originally disappointed that this wasn't a ship since the Pillar of Autumn was a Halcyon class cruiser. Good Job though.
Yeah I agree Jrcane most abstract things attract me. This map looks great but unfortuantly I can't tryout the gameplay because I am on vacation. So when I get back i'll DL and pm you more feedback. Great job. Actually you dont need my feedback haha so i'll just DL. Again great map.
I have been waiting for this map for the longest amount of time! Im so glad you finally released it because ever since that preview Ive been wondering when you were going to release it. Now that it is released, I just want to say that this is by far one of the best Sandbox maps Ive ever seen and I cant wait to play it, although that looks like alot of callouts...
wow, looks very pro (that's for sure). it looks like it would play great! MLG should use this in their playlist.
FINALLY ive waited for this map forever! I might need to go play halo now truly epic. I love the grav lifts in the first picture. and all the ramps look perfect great job
wow, awesome replies! Halcyon almost didn't get finished for the longest time. I'm so glad it's finally done. I'll be playing a ton of custom maps that are intended for v9 today like this map. Msg me I'll be playing a lot. We'll be switching up the maps every game also.
I am not usually a fan of MLG maps and gametypes, but this is absolutely amazing. I doubt I will play on it using the MLG, and will probably completely screw up gameplay when I go and put down a bunch of other weapons that would not be used in MLG, but the aesthetics are stunning. I also wanted to ask, did you use Sketch Up to make those preview pictures? Because whatever you used to make that design for it must have taken almost as long as making the map itself!