A short, regretful note from the creator of Trenchwars

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Izano Slayer, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    Yes, this is what you think it is, but not really. Trenchwars 2 is delayed until Halo Reach. However, I hope to continue making maps in the Trench Wars Franchise other than Trenchwars 2 on Halo 3. As you know, Zombie Kitten was the other creator of the franchise. He doesn't go on here anymore, but I will start again. We had some... bumps. We're not friends anymore, but that's not something I'm going to spew onto some internet forum. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know. Thanks for all you've done so far.

    - Izano, Russia Productions (Previously Izano Slayer)
  2. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, sad faec :(

    I didn't know about this map until I saw your announcement, so I went and looked at the maps, those are GOOD! I can't wait for Reach Forge now, hope it's complete badass. Just one thing: Why did you change your account? Now ur a nub with one post!
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Unless your account was suspended or something, you're not allowed to create another account. Use your old one, ask an admin to delete this new one, and have him change your username if you want.

    Also, no offense to you, but this should bee made into a blog post; it's not really thread discussion material. All you've done was announce something.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Agreed with Black.
    ......... who are you again?
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    How do you not know him? He & Kitten created the best minigame map up to date. Trenchwars 1 was like a remake of BattleField Bad Company. Look up his maps, find it and play it. Sorry to hear about the news. Halo:Reach is gonna be an awesome start for the franchise. Hope to see your maps in the future.
  6. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    Yes, my account was suspended. I posted a link to this movie you could watch online in the off-topics. I guess it was illegal. :D

    Sorry about the blog thing, but I don't have a blog. I just didn't want people waiting for TrenchWars 2 with no word from me.
  7. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good to hear that your gonna do it again, you have been playing so much MW2 that I figured you were done with Halo.
  8. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    True, but Battlefield BC2 is where it's at now. It gave me the inspiration to finish Trenchwars. Most epic video-game ever.

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