"Flashing Objects"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sparky09, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    Well I mainly have a question. It happens alot when I merge objects flat and basic, with the common merging technique. Ive looked through all of the forging technics of basic merging, and found nothing that could really prevent this flashing (I tend to speed through). If I want some sort of flat surface, just full of blocks should I have to ghost merge each individual one, or can I merge strait while still preventing flashing? Sorry if this has been asked before, but Id like to just get to the bottom of it.
    Thanks for any help, I've been creating one last map for Halo 3, and would like to see it up to professional standards. Thanks.
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    This happens to me alot too, and I have learned that the flashing only appears if you soom out enough to see the whole map. during gameplay (for me anyways) the flashing doesnt appear until I am in forge, and that only happens if you try to get a full view or your map.
  3. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If the two objects are occupying the same exact space, the game is confused as to which one goes on top, to fix this move the block EVER SO SLIGHTLY away from the other one.

    This is known as Z-Fighting.
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Flashing, or Z-Fighting as it is called here, is what happens when two objects are merged so perfectly that the game can't tell which surface pattern goes on top of the other. When moving or looking around, the game randomly flips between the 2 (or more, if you interlocked/geomerged more than 2 objects together) surface patterns until you stop, and then it chooses one randomly. It will continue to flash when you continue to move or look around your map.

    The best thing to do is to tilt one object very slightly, so that one pattern clearly intersects the other, and the flashing is minimalized. You need to tilt it enough so that the game registers one over the other, but don't tilt it too much, or you will have a noticeable bump from one end tilted up, and it's possible that it could effect gameplay.
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I believe the OP was talking about Z-fighting but didn't know the words to describe it. What you're describing is the yellow light show thing, which seems to happen when a lot of objects are on screen at once. It only happens in forge though.
    Others have said it, that means you've got two things merged too perfectly. Try using a second controller so you can get a view up close and see the slight difference in planes you're trying to merge, so the game doesn't have to try and render multiple objects in the same spot.
  6. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    Big help everyone, thanks for the easy strait forward answer. I'm sure this will help improve my forging, and I hopefully look forward to seeing my map posted Eventually, thanks everyone.

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