Oddity Oddity is a map designed for 2-5 players made in the crypt (which it takes up about a fourth of). It is completely enclosed and is therefore unescapable. It support 2v2 and ffa slayer/oddball/Koth (out of these FFA KOTH is my favorite because of the epic battles for the middle hill). This map started as a simple BTB map which would be the spiritual successor (lol) to my previous map Slitherin' with this being intended to be the blue base but it got to the point where it was so intricate i thought it deserved to be more than a single base and thus began this maps development Weapons and Equipment Br x3 Brute Shot x1 Mauler x1 needler x2 Rocket x1 bubble shield x1 plasma grenades x2 overshield x1 (its purple) Pics view of middle from on top of columns view of middle from overshield spawn sexy Pic of Overshield spawn Back alley cavern/ brute shot spawn mancannon and grav lift up where man cannon drops you (cieling curves all the wat around) Ledge to columns columns and rocket spawn rocket spawn and overshield view from back alley to mauler spawn to wood room (wood room connects to the man cannon) Mauler spawn Action Shots Little fun pic of the map from the outside Download Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Great post, amazing map but where is the download? lol, anyway spectacular map if the dl link is there and i missed it my bad but if not put it up cause i want to download.
@captstfu oh wow brain fart i litterally had just posted and was like wait a sec i forgot the download link...it should be there now
amazingly sexy spam. anyways, i like the map, the gold column structure looks great, as does the back wall with the tin cups. this is what we need more of at forgehub; maps built for those of us that don't have many friends that play halo, and only ever get party's of 4 or 5 together. don't get me wrong, i loves me some big team, but nicely forged, small maps are always nice. anyways, it looks fun and i'll download it, good job. P.S. - what exactly is going on in the first action shot? it looks like the guy on the left is firing off a giant magnum that shoots rockets or something. it looks epic.
@ Ferocious Leaf, I'm pretty sure that it was a double melee, and a third guy shooting a rocket at them. The map looks really nicely forged, I'm going to be downloading after I post this, This is one of the few maps I've ever seen that actually makes me think of the covenant. Anyway, the map looks great, and I'll be sure to get some games in on it in the future.
I have to agree with Ferocious Leaf. This map looks AMAZING for small parites, and i'm absolutely LOVING the column structure, and the way you used the tin cups. I rarely get large parties together and this will be a great addition to my collection of maps nd gametypes. DL'd. Yah Dig?
Oh my God dude this is beautiful! The first pic really hooked me I don't know if you meant that to happen but great job. Just wow.
Oh gosh this is so B-E AUTIFUL! The asthetics are amazingly shaped. I like The Dome-ish feel. Just awesome structures. The FIRST pic got my attention!
@ferocious leaf Noxiw is correct it is a simultaneous beat down with me jumping (out of the shot) firing a rocket trying to pick up the leftovers(unfortunately they killed each other so there were no leftovers ) @Noxiw yeah i really like the purpley effect on this map (looks alot better than blue or red individually) and it lends itself well to a very covenant feel @iskillz lol the column structure was the last thing i made i was like that back area is to open and needs some cover and i was running low on almost all the other items so i was like Columns! lol also i appreciate all the positive feedback
This is probably the most aesthetic pleasing map I have ever seen. I wouldn't expect any less from you.