Foundry MLG Trenches v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Kill 4 Silence, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    MLG Trenches v1
    Supported Gametypes: MLG FFA, Team Slayer
    Recommended players: 4-8
    Description: A symmetrical map designed for MLG gametypes. This entire map was made in about 1 1/2 weeks. It was not planned. I don't know if it plays good because I haven't tested yet, but the bases and center look really cool. I started by forging four wall corners in the very center. Then I connected a couple walls to make a gravity lift. The third level came later. The area where the sniper spawns used to just be one long wall with two small walls branching off of it. Eventually, after messing around a bit, it became this complex thing.

    When I first started making this map, I had just learned the ghost-merge technique. So when it came time to make the bases, I decided to have a little fun trying out the new thing. I wanted them to look somewhat aesthetic yet remain simple. The hardest part was figuring out how to connect the sides with the bases. So, I got lazy and just threw in a couple of walls, lol.

    Plenty of spawns, BRs, carbines, a mauler, a sniper, a powerup, only two plasma grenades, and a couple gravity lifts.

    Download, test, and give me your feedback. =D










    DOWNLOAD MLG TRENCHES V1 : Halo 3 File Details

    LINK TO FILE SHARE 4 Silence
    #1 Kill 4 Silence, Mar 28, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2010
  2. MontageMedia

    MontageMedia Ancient

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    Are you testing it? If so may I be of help? My GT is x7 im on fire 7

    Anyways, its a good map. But why not test it? Alot of people will not DL because you didnt try to even test this map.
    #2 MontageMedia, Mar 28, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  3. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    Spam post much?

    I used to be involved with some MLG players and they seem to have a pet peeve of maps where the base objects are not merged into the ground, so thats just a suggestion for future "MLG" maps you might make.
    #3 Jrcane4455, Mar 28, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2010
  4. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    why are there no trenches? anyways... this reminds me too much of the match making mlg maps what ever their names were. its got a lot of cool stuff like the red n blue base and i really like the architecture n what have you.(ill write down the name and dl when i get my baby back (xbox)) but the general layout is meh. also. id prob switch your profile picture. because all the generic ass shits on this site will hate you. cool hair anyways...
  5. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    -_- Don't change your profile picture mate. I likes yours hairs. Anyhows, onto the map; This is the first time I have posted on a map in six months plus. I used to make a ton of MLG maps and yours looks and probably plays alot better than mine, my only suggestion is in the third picture it shows how the second level is very flat and you can see from one side to the other, if I were you I'd add several pieces of cover along this level, block some lines. Good job overall though!
  6. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    Good sales pitch!

    um, WHY would I download and test your map if you did not try very hard and are not willing to test it yourself. The map looks interesting, for sure, but the very least you can do is play some games with people, take their feedback, and change things. Then publish it on here.

    Also, you called it trenches, but there are no trenches. Kind of misleading. I would call it something relating to the bases or structures you DO have, and not "Trenches" which you DONT have.

    For all of my criticism, I like the back of the bases (I dont like the front with the wall corners) and I like the man cannons and stairs combination. That looks cool. The sniper spawn looks nice as well. In addition the ramps and powerups fused together on the base look nice. The middle area above the ground looks inaccessible from the ground if someone were to be walking in the middle.

    This map has potential, but I am not going to DL because I dont know if it plays well...
    #6 E inglourious 3, Mar 29, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010
  7. OptickzzZ

    OptickzzZ Ancient
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    It's not to bad, a few things I would like to suggest.

    Spawn points - I feel there are way to many spawns, maybe try and cut it down to about 30 or less.

    Power ups - the power ups placed at blue base, red base, and gold base are all grabable, not sure If that's suppose to happen or not but if it isn't I would highly advise fixing it.

    Last but not least, the red/blue bases. There are holes under than ramps in both bases, again I'm not sure if you did this on purpose but If you didn't you still have 6 window panels you can use to block them with.
  8. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    i realize there are no trenches. i couldn't think of a good name to call it, so i just named it that. and why would people here hate me cause of my profile picture?
    ya the map still needs alot of work. see, originally, i was going to make players able to go under the base, but i thought that was stupid, and forgot they were there. As for the spawns, admittedly i have no experience with spawn placing and don't even know how to really, ha. and finallyyyyyy. the red and blue powerups aren't meant to be picked up. thanks for pointing that out =))

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