Stairway2Heaven & S2H Slayer

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by yuross13, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. yuross13

    yuross13 Ancient
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    Stairway2Heaven & S2H Slayer

    Stairway2Heaven is a really old map me and my friend made when the Heroic map pack first came out, I think it was made on the night they where released. S2H Slayer is the gametype my friend made for this so I thought I would post it aswell.
    I thought of the name when we where mucking around on foundry for the first time and then we made this.

    Link-The Map
    The Gametype

    Overview of the main part of the map:

    The almost impenatrable spawns:

    We have tested this with 4 teams of 4 and the gameplay is really good.
    This map has no interlocking as it was made before that glitch was found.
    If there are any suggestions as to what needs to be fixed other then interlocking please tell me as I am in the process of making a V2 (oh and if you don't like the weapon placement then don't yell at me because my friend was the one who did all the weapon placement).

    Weapons on map:
    Sniper Rifle x1 (At the very top)
    Rocket Launcher x1 (In the middle of the structure)
    Energy Sword x1 (Near the truck and the little maze)
    Battle Rifles x8 (1 in each open double box next to the spawns)
    Shotgun x1 (In the tunnels underneath)
    Brute Shot x1 (Near the corner wall that is facing down like a tent)
    Needler x1 (Behind one of the forklifts)
    Mauler x1 (On top of the dumpster near one of the spawns)
    SMG x2 (In the tunnels underneath)
    Frag grenades x2 (1 pair of two)
    Plasma grenades x8 (4 pairs of two)
    Spike grenades x4 (2 pairs of two)

    Radar Jammer x1 (In the middle level in one of the side single open boxes)
    Bubble Shield x1 (On the top level on one of the two end bridges)
    Power Drain x1 (In the middle level in one of the side single open boxes)
    Regenerater x1 (On the top level on one of the two end bridges)

    Thanks for looking at my map and please tell me what you think.
    #1 yuross13, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I remeber playing on this with you that night, it was a blast.
    But looking at it now it definetely needs interlocking, cant wait for version two.
    To anyone who reads this, dont let the aesthetics draw you away, gameplay-wise, this is a very good map.
    But I dont remember so many of those weapons.
    #2 Linubidix, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  3. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    It plays fine, but interlock it some in v2.
  4. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    In v2 make sure you don't have spawns covered in shield doors, that encourages camping, and if you've ever had another team stay in the upper room on the pit during a doubles game then you know why camping is bad.

    And make sure the cover you have on the bottom floor has a purpose and isn't just strewn about randomly, cause it kinda looks like that now...
  5. yuross13

    yuross13 Ancient
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    Have you even played the map because hiding in spawn is pointless, you are facing away from the middle of the map where most of the action takes place so theres no point in staying in there. If it where doubles then oyu most likely wouldn't spawn in there because the spawnpoints are set out so that you spawn near your teammate.

    I did not do the cover on the ground that was my friend all I did was the basic layout and a few other things, he did all the asthetics side and weapon placement.

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