If you haven't heard of Newgrounds, then you probably don't know what Flash is! D: That ad up there, at the top of this forum, is made with Flash. Any animation or game you see on the internet - that's flash too. My Robot Pirates music video is now #5 rated Flash on Newgrounds, the largest Flash community on the internet. Epicness equivalent to that of YouTube. So, it's pretty much safe to say that it's number 5 Flash on the internet. I owe it almost completely to the song, but nonetheless, I'm stoked. I've finally done it - I've made the front page! Newgrounds.com — Everything, By Everyone
Congrats on getting onto Newgrounds' front page, that's quite a big deal! Animation's quality, loving the 8-bit theme going on Song's pretty damn epic as well XD Well done mate, a well deserved front page feature!
Congratulations. I really enjoyed the song. Twas funny and the animation was really good for the song.
@Scottash - Thanks so much, dude! Really glad you think so! @B3NW - Thaaaanks! It was difficult to match the song's awesome caliber, but I'm happy to know that you thought I pulled it off @Crypto nv - Yeah, it can be a pesky place sometimes. One time, someone downloaded all of my Flash animations, made a new account, pretended to be me, uploaded said cartoons, and got an award for one of them. I uploaded the SAME animation, and didn't get an award! :S Thanks!
wow, amazing. I love the song, ****ing catchy. Great animations too, very, very, how do you say? "Cute"? But great job, congrats. (I'm watching it again, lawlolawl)
Dude I've been going to newgrounds sense I was 8 and have never met anyone who got a front page. How do I go about downloading the song if you have it out there.
The animation is now the highest ranked Flash on all of Newgrounds! (Score of 4.55) @Bloo Jay and Thorax tehGREAT and Camel Carcass - you can get Andrew's songs at songstowearpantsto.com -- the popular ones cost a buck, but he has albums available too, and some free songs. @Huntar - Thank you! Yeah, the way I draw faces gives my animations a unique style that I think the Newgrounds community likes. The song (Andrew's) is indeed genius. @Camel Carcass - Thanks! :B @Thorax tehGREAT - Me too dude (since about 12). When I saw it on the frontpage I flipped out. I starting yelling profanities in joy, and my friends all had WTF looks on their faces..
Ahahaha, Huntar played it on xbox over the mic over and over again on Saturday, and eventually sent it to me on here. I love this song. Definitely deserving of front page.
@xWooden leafx - Haha, thanks! @ Norlinsky - Aaaaack! So cool to see the shake it picture in your signature! <3