Screenshot of the Week, Week 11 Voting This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. 3 way tie last week... Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. Last weeks theme was Humor, Congratulations to The Moran with this picture! "I said get in" Feel free to recommend themes to me via This Thread Monday-Friday for Submissions; The weekend for Voting This Weeks Theme was Space. Voting Guidelines: Post the name of the creator of the screenshot you vote for For this voting you DO NOT need a reason for your votes Do not vote for yourself If you post it must contain a vote,This Thread is for discussion Submissions: Black Thereom "Meteor Shower" Crypto nv mooseIV Klaydude11 Katanga Askar SOTW 11 Voting Will End Monday, March 29th and SOTW 12 Submissions Will Commence.
Oh wow damn, I was gonna change my submission but forgot. Oh well. I vote for MooseIV because of the awesome effect mixed with the space background.
Crypto, because everyone else's has something obviously wrong with it Black Theorem: pose and angle Klaydude: too bright Katanga: doesn't look anything at all like space
Katanga Askar, cause it reminds me of the inside of the horsehead nebula or something. and because i don't think its a picture of sky at all, which is impressive
mooseIV, because it makes the eye move across it, and the effect is used in an interesting way (and good setting).