Villa of Terrorinformation: I made a map called House of Terror before, and me and my friends really liked it so i thought why not make a house even bigger and better? So i did, its called Villa of Terror (orginal name huh). Its a huge villa, 5 rooms, 1 hallway, backyard and even a small frontyard, 2 balconies (or however you spell it ) and 1 large roof. Its made for infection, the zombies have 2 spawns in the Villa, 2 in the backyard, 2 in the frontyard and 2 on the roof. There are also 4 cannonmans at which the zombies can spawn, 2 of them lead to the rood the other 2 lead to the balconies Weapons: - Battle Rifle x 3 - Carbine x3 - Shotgun x1 - SNiper x1 - Mauler x2 - SMG x4 - Assault Rifle x2 Equipment: - None Lets go to the pics! (i made them in forge so you can see all the spawn points and stuff ) This is a front view of the map, you can see the Human spawn (frontyard) and the Zombie spawn (on the roof). This is the hallway, one staircase and 6 rooms. The room at the end leads to the roof This is one of the 2 balconies, just a regualar one, its surrounded by fences .. well there isnt more i can tell about this picture. This is the roof, this is the place where the sniper is. Zombies can get here by using the mancannons or just take the stairs This is the backyard, pretty cool i think. Made it out of tin cups. theres also a picknick table with a turret on it. Those stoneplatforms with the tincups on it should be trees ;P. Just a view of the place where the cannonmans are. A whole overview. you can see all cannonmans and the whole map. Well guys i hope you have a great time playing on this map. it took me pretty long to make this all. And well dont forget to download ! Download: Villa of Terror!
Nice map, i would love to play some time. Add me? It doesnt look too easy to camp on this map! : ) thats a good thing IMO.
This has a great design to it to be honest. I cant really give to many great compliments, simply because I want to tell you a few things that would be awesome for a V.2. I know everyone hates hearing this, but interlocking really makes the map run so well, looks great, plays great. No bump de' bumps when BR'ing people. An only thing else I could suggest is take down the shields in front of the gravity lifts. But keep them, if the zombies health isn't as strong as a regular player. Hope to see a V.2
Thanks for the great compliments havent tested the map out cuz all my friends bought BC2 and dont want to play halo 3 now .... -.-.. So if there are things which needs to be changed let me know and ill change it in the next version also i actually did nearly interlock everything, floor, walls, windows etc. i just didnt have enough to interlock all and about the shield walls, i usually play brains and otherwise it would be too easy to spawnkill there but thanks again for the great compliments !
Eh dont take the screenshots in forge xp The map looks really fun and balanced. My suggestions are to make a V2, with alittle more cover on the roof so that turret wont be a pain for the zombies. The weapons you placed seem balanced so I'm happy about that. There arent many flaws, so good job. Oh and it would be helpful if we knew the zombie traits.
different gametypes can be used like brains, save one bullet also fat kid seems fun to me but i think youll be trapped pretty fast and you own custom made ones and yeah i took the pictures in forge so you can see al the spawnpoints as i told before
Wow, I really appreciate the time you took to make this map aesthetically appealing, you know both how you want it to play and how you want it to look, and it appears you succeeded in both. I can easily see this in Living Dead along side Spooky House and Infected Manor. One suggestion if you have the budget: Add two way teleporters on either side of the spawns and increase the ability for strategic planning for the zombies. Case in point a human diagnosed with nubishism camping at the landing point of a gravity lift will get several kills on those helplessly traveling through the air before being taken out by those fortunate enough to spawn at another lift. If you were to add a teleporter network, the zombies who are reincarnated at the camper's lift can merely step in the teleporter and be taken to a different one. Also, if there was somehow an intense major league game of infection on your map, people could make organized and effective charges on a certain corner at once using this. It's unlikely, true, but the more freedom to make decisions, and the less man-handling and overbearing the cartographer is on how he wants his map to play, the more adaptive players become and the more able they are to counteract the ailments of nubishism, campism, spawnkillism, and others. Well ya so anyway, bye now. EDIT: Oh yea, that's what I was gonna say, your sig sucks. It's huge, low res, boring, unhyperlinked, and distorted. If you want I can make and awesome one for you, see mine below for an idea.
I already thought a teleport nekwork would be good but i dont think i can place enough (cuz i can place maybe like 2 more objects o ) but ill try it right away --- Ok guys so i got some neater and better looking cannonman-spawn, and also a teleporter network, doin also cover on the roof, any one got any other ideas for my v2?
Looks mighty fine mate I'll download and get back to you asap with more feedback..keep up the good work! (Y)