the map is a mixture of aesthetic and competetive but is a good map. all three parts of sandbox are being used. the first floor consists of a few tunnels, and a scaffolding with a turret on it the top has two tunnels leading to a couple of weapons : Halo 3 File Details Cick the address above to download!
I'm here to help. Make a photobucket account, if you already have one great. Get your photo's you took from Bungie Then upload them to photobucket. After you do that, get the code, and paste it here. Wala!
Still not working. Just do what he said and your thread won't get locked. Please read the Forum rules if you haven't already. Oh, welcome to FH.
well, for just starting its meh, but with some aesthetics, it would look alot better. Checking out forging 101 in the forums is a great place to get started. You can learn a lot of new techniques there. Anyways, there's a lot of room for improvement, so just keep on forging and you might just end up as good as Sarge. That's a joke, FYI.
Awesome!!!! This is the best map i have ever played in my life! Thank you very very much and I wish u post loads more!