Hey guys, We'll be playing against the guys from Grifball (I haven't met this "Commissioner" person they speak of, but I assume he's that one guy from Grifball: Expansion with the cool voice). Our valiant heroes, Team Slipspa--I mean, Team ForgeHub (before I go farther, I'd like to make a joke nobody will get...Teaaaaaam HAMMAR!) will be taking on Grifball administrators and commissioners this Sunday. The time is not exactly determined, however we will post here shortly before we start. Tentatively, we are starting around 9-10 PM EST. We'll be playing three games, one game of spectator Grifball (where you can watch your very own lovable and huggable staff get crushed mercilessly under the hammer of Team Grifball...literally), one game of our choice, and one game of their choice. We're not showing our hand until they show theirs, but for a sneak peek, we may be down for an intense game of Anti-Grav to show off my super pro sniping skillz. Anyway, be sure to check this thread around that time, Diamond145 has kindly offered to stream live in HD with his amazing connection of amazingness ("Look at his connection; his connection is amazing!"), so be sure to check in and watch it; it's like being behind enemy lines because you can see where the enemy players are and give us hints in the chatbox *hint*! To throw something fun into the mix, at the beginning of the games we will let the people who are in the chatbox on the stream decide our team names; Forge Hub guys, I expect something awesome for us. *pst* Sabotage their name and have them as Team Fluffy Unicorns...or something like that! Of course, the chosen names will be used in the frontpage article and people who contributed to it may possibly be thrown into a special thanks section of the writeup as well. Be there or be square(d)! TL;DR: GO HERE Grifball Live! on Justin.tv Oh, and we want to thank NOKYARD for getting this set up
I'm the Grifball Commissioner. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not the same man behind the voice of the commissioner in Expansion. I was originally cast into a smaller role, but some issue with conversion had someone else's audio used. Anyway, looking forward to playing you guys.
Members of the wonderful forum we know as Forge Hub: we'll probably be getting together in about a half hour (8-9 PM EST or so) to start strategizing and such for the games an hour after that...if you'd like to be a dummy team for us to scrimmage against, send me a message on Xbox Live and we'll shoot you an invite. We need 4 to practice against.
We can't tell them. They have been known to assassinate members of the opposing team just before the game, and have them scrambling for backups! So...we're not going to give any names away "Oh, and you might want some backups. (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!)" -Nokyard
Well, what I saw was a bunch of Grifball Commissioners kicking the living **** out of a bunch of Forge Hub staff, but I may have been watching the wrong feed.
0-9. We almost got close to almost getting a point. Almost. However, we did save our dignity by winning the other 2 games, so we have a win!
Apologies for not showing, guys. I had a prior engagement with a film class that ran longer than expected, and thus I missed the Grifball game. I don't apologize for the utter abuse my colleagues laid on you in Grifball though. That's kind of what they do.
No problem Yeah, that was...kind of ridiculous. I don't think I've ever been owned so badly, ever. Hope to play with/against you during the Grifball DEXP weekend
Don't be too surprised if we throw the rematch card. Hopefully we'll pick a gametype a little more suited to our skillset than MLG.