In search of 1v1

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rorak Kuroda, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hello everyone. It's Kuroda here, asking YOU if YOU have any 1v1 maps. Why? I've become incredibly obsessed with 1v1 maps, and simply love the gameplay they bring. I've already seen most, if not all of the Conflict maps, unless I haven't found all of the Loser's Bracket maps. If you own any 1v1 maps, or know of any good ones, would you post a link to the thread or just a direct download link? It would be greatly appreciated.
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    ^ Words of wisdom right there, squid's recommendations should definitely be your first port of call on this search. But for a blast from the past there are a number of classic 1v1 maps in the Featured section, with Ivory's Fractured being the most recent that you're unlikely to have seen at almost a year and 4th months ago, lol. It's actually listed as FFA/2v2, but I played a decent amount of 1v1s on there, it works best for splitscreen but still well on separate boxes since it's not massive by any means.

    A while before that there were the maps from FH's first 1v1 Showdown tourney way back when, you should definitely check those out:
    Reactor Core

    I don't think that's all of them, I wasn't actually around for the first 1v1 so I only remember a couple of those maps from when I first came to FH and downloaded a few likely looking maps (ie. Sewers, Pi and Aqueduct from the above, all 3 of which I absolutely loved and treasure to this day, they were what made me come back and get hooked on this site and Forge). But yeah, I searched for 1v1 Showdown and that's all the ones I got, though they mention being for different tiers of the tourney and some of the tiers aren't accounted for. If anyone who remembers the tourney itself could jump in here with an informed perspective, and possibly the other maps, then that would be great.

    Also, as a last addition, you should most certainly check out Furious' Unchained. Please excuse the dead pics on that ancient Feature thread, but just trust me and make a blind download for once. I downloaded this alongside the 3 Showdown maps when I first found FH, and it is, without a doubt, my most played Forge map to date by a long way (excepting Amp/Ons since they're basically not Forge maps anymore, and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it still topped them). I haven't played it in months since my friend has developed a loathing of custom games (I blame my sniper :p), but the sheer amount of 1v1s and 3/4 players FFAs I totted up in my first year of Uni when H3 was young is staggering. When it comes to FFA, you simply must try Shotty Snipers FFA (no actual file, but how to make it is pretty self explanatory, don't forget to set no weapons on map and infinite ammo though). I know it sounds kinda dumb, but I genuinely think it's an all time H3 small customs classic on that map, it actually works really well with Unchained's rather unforgiving spawning up at the top area of the map. If you want to camp up there and snipe the lower areas with 3 or 4 player FFA or more then you'd better be prepared to get spawned behind and shottied in the back in the not too distant future. Seriously, good days man :).
    #3 Pegasi, Mar 24, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2010
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you both very, very much.

    squidhands, your suggestions were great for the most part. I've played Guillotine before, and seen Pyrite. However, I had not seen the newest version of Crown of Flies, Greenhouse, Landing Pad and Harmony.

    Greenhouse seemed to have so really great flow, but it wasn't exactly "competitive." The ground was bumpy, and the people who made it forgot to cover up quite a few little hiding spots.

    I LOVE the new renovations to Crown of Flies, but I wish you had kept the effects. They looked so nice. And although the renovations help flow and gameplay in general, you should try to make them appeal to the style of the map a bit more.

    Harmony played AMAZINGLY. Lines of sight were wonderful, and the style of play was much like that of the original Crown of Flies. Especially with the sniper system. (no-clips, fast spawns.)

    I remember playing Landing Pad with AceofSpades a while back. It was a nice change from the usual long/medium range maps. SMG's were actually useful!

    Great choices squid, I'd love to play you sometime if you'd like!

    Man Pegasi, those are some Old School choices. A few of them were an awkward, and odd change of pace from the nice, crisp maps we see nowadays. But they played decently well. I was pretty surprised with how fun they were. Great choices, man. I'd love to play with you sometime too!
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    inb4squidrant :p

    I know what you mean, they're a real contrast to what we see in 1v1 maps today for the most part, but tbh that's why I like to revisit them. Mixing up 1v1s with newer, more competitively refined maps and those old gems which have never really been topped in their own right for some really novel and fun 1v1 gameplay is a nice contrast IMO. Glad you saw their charm, and send me an FR anytime dude.
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeh iv got a 1v1 map, its in my signiture.
    its called Pridian, I hope you like it.
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Join my game and i will show you my 3 1v1 map i made !
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've probably showed you all, if not, most of these, but these are all pretty good for 1v1, even if that isn't what it was intended for.
    And obviously Guillotine and Crown of Flies, as Squidhands mentioned, are great.

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