Welcome to... Created by Sayhi25 This installation harbours a much darker secret than it's predecessor. Map Used: Cold Storage Supported Gametypes: Infection Description: This is my first map on Forge Hub, and my personal favorite. It goes with the InFeCteD game variant, along with most other infection game variants. Being Cold Storage, the map only realistically holds 8 or 12 people max, but the game can be played with 4. 25% of the players are alpha zombies, with poor camo, 200% damage resistance, 150% speed, 75% gravity, enhanced sensors, and are colored black. The average zombies have 150% damage, and no camo instead. Humans start with assault rifles and magnums, and have no sensors. Installation 06 has a plethora of weapons, including a spartan laser and sentinel beam, ensuring a large variety and plentiful ammunition. Many of the weapons are hidden or difficult to reach, such as the spartan laser (it's above the first portal). at 60, 90, and 120 seconds effects spawn, ending in gloomy, juicy, colorblind and oldtimey. Your goal is to survive the six minute time limit, or ensure the survivors demise. The human's spawn The catwalks and flares (there are two shotguns and an AR here) Overview - The main area The left of the main area The right of the main area The secondary zombie spawn area (Can you find the shotgun in here?) The blue room (there are some turrets up here) The primary zombie spawn (this is 90 seconds into the game) 120 seconds into the game Download Installation 06 Download InFeCteD
It doesn't look like you put very much thought into this map. All I see from these pictures are random weapons placed on the map and a couple of objects untidily strewn across the floor. Why wouldn't I just play this Infection game on default Cold Storage?
That was the case originally, though I did replace most of the objects with thought. Some are still in their original places, but this was because they worked there. If you could specify anything, I would gladly explain or revise the object.
Ehh. Already rating this a 2/5. Reason's why, and many other people who probably think the same. No heart into this map what so ever mate. :/ You just threw down a few weapons, and cover spots. Do some interlocking, and make some sweet ass structures! I'm not trying to rant man, but I would go back to where the cover spots are, and re-visit them. Give them a re-model. Add some spice into them, something no one has done with this map. Make a V.2 with those, and you'll see how much more of a response people will give.
.... Not really a good map, but I would say close to decent. I know you said that it was to just "Spruce" it up a bit, but you mabe have taken it the wrong way. You should have this tested, but if you did then great! Maps sometimes don't have to look nice, the important thing is gameplay. If the gameplay is fair and fun for all then, thats what gets you downloads. From the screenshots, I'm actually afraid of the map because it has plenty of fire nades. Fire :3 hmm...I would probably be expecting a V2?
You should definitely expect a version 2, and I have already started working on it. I did not get this tested by the Forge Hub Tester's Guild, but plan on getting the V2 tested. Thank you Chef, Turtle BEETCH, and Zapzap09 for your input.