Aphids on Clover GameType: Aphids (Territories) Map: Clover (Sandbox) Max Players: 16 (I think?) Min Players: 4 Type of Gameplay: Fast with a lot of people Slow with a small amount. Welcome Recruit Aphids. Let's get right to it this is your objective and you must eat all of the clover before the cells regrow it. Here is the Objective: Here is You: There Are Different Classes that you choose form (Actually you don't have a say but still) Here Are the Classes: Anti-Vehicle, They have a rocket launcher and shotgun Assualt, They have a battle rifle and smg. Assassin, They Have a Energy sword and a gravity hammer Sniper, They have a Sniper Rifle and a Beam Rifle. And The Pilot He is a random person that looks behind them and there is a banshee. How to go into combat To get into combat and to keep spawn killers from killing people who just spawn the way of enter is on simple but effective device. Here it is: One Combat plan This plan always works on 2v2 matches, it is called the Army of Two plan one person stays on the ground while the other person stays in the air with the banhee. What gave me the idea If you look at the map carefully you can see that it is a 4 leaf clover. I was sitting on the couch on st patricks day thinking of what the make on halo 3 so I made a clover out of a octagon and thought that the clover was not enough so I made a cute little game type to go with it. Today everyone on my friends list had played it and either liked it or loved it so I made this. Another Picture of the map: LINK: GAMETYPE LINK: MAP
You may want to give a more detailed description of the gametype, but other than that this looks great. I love the aesthetics so i'll give it a dl and see how it runs.
This looks way too open because a banshee could probably survive indefinitely, and the same goes for snipers. The spawns also could be problematic since they are far enough away from the combat area that spawnpoints will not sense nearby teammates, but instead spawn you randomly. (confirmation?) Snipers could also still kill people before they even jump on the mancannons.
Seems like a great start! Yes I said great start. : ) The idea is great, and fresh. But a few things I could may suggest to you to help you. -Merge of course, yes it takes time. But makes the maps look oh so beautiful. -Take a way the banshee. -Make it less of a play ground with the gravity lifts. If you merge your items, in some areas you'll find you'll use less items then before. There for you may have enough space left, (item limit) to put up guard rails around some of the boarders? You don't have to completely 100% put it all the way around, but at least space them out. Hope to see a V.2 : )