Hey, my name is Kyle. I am currently working on making a Halo 3 Machinima. A Lord of the Rings Machinima. I will have myself and MANY others act out every scene from the movie(s) and then I will cut out all sound from Halo and replace it with The audio/sound and music from Lord of the Rings to recreate a Lord of the Rings with Halo. I am hoping to begin making the scenes by late August. I am currently trying to find a good Capture card since my current one records in low quality. By Challenge to you forgers is to help me in achieving this massive goal. I need you to help recreate/forge Lord of the Rings scenes. For instance, The Mines of Moria, when Gandalf fights off the Balorg. Or Weathertop, when Frodo gets stabbed by the Witch King. This is a very difficult task that I am asking of you and you will not receive any form of pay. The only thing you will get from this is your name put in the credits in BOLDED "Thank you" text. I would also like to send DVD(s) out to those who helped me make the Machinima. I have done my research and all of this is legal as long as I don't try to make money off of any of this and I clearly state that I do not own ANY part of Halo 3 or Lord of the Rings. If you have any other questions please feel free to message me or post a reply in this Forum. I posted this subject up last night but I guess it got deleted because I cannot find it any where now. . . I don't know why they would delete it! Haha.
I can make you a dark horse. Ill hide a mongoose on top so it looks like someone is actually riding it. I dont have the time to make you a whole scene, but it should provide some good screenshots for a cameo here and there
umm... i cant promise anything, but if you put pics of the scene you'd like up, i may be able to try (i'm also teaching someone to forge, so maybe, maybe not). I'm not familiar with the movie (seen it, dont know each place though), and googling doesnt help (oddly)
There so many helms deeps out there i think ill pass on that one ,I think someone has already made the great eye tower too but if not I would love to recreate the final battle scene with the gates of mordor,mount doom and the eye tower in the background.
I would love to see how you go about replacating the scene where the wizard guy and that big monster fall down that hole. Favorite part of a movie I really didn't get into. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"
Demon Witch War Horse Heres your Horse Bro. Its fully Rideable. Its also a little bit bigger in scale than I would have liked, but due to the massive size of even the smallest objects, this was the best I could do. I also made a half-assed attempt to recreate the one scene where they get spotted because of the campfire... I needed something to fill the void. Took me about 8 hours after all was said and done. Look forward to seeing the Machima.. Best of luck. DOWNLOAD
I used to big a huge fan of lord of the rings so i'll see what I can do, I think a good one would be in sandbox in the crypt remaking the scene on the bridge were gandalf fights like you said. No promises it will be complete though
I would love to make some sets for you. The "You shall not pass" scene should be pretty easy, and I could make some other Moria sections at the same time. I wish a lot of luck to you because this is going to be a huge pain in the ass. I'm a full-time college student, so my work will be slow, but I'll try to get some stuff for you.