I made this for a SOTW for another forum tell me what you think: I made this using GIMP aswell. *EDIT* Stock used
SOTW? whats that? the sig looks great though, but you could have made the name a bit more visible because it kinda blends in with KK
I know I didn't want my name to stand out all that much, I wanted the emphasis to be King Kong. SOTW stands for Sig of the Week, its where a mod or someone thinks of an idea for the week and people make a new sig and enter it in the competition and then people vote for the winner and the winner gets a prize or something.
sweet, i would enter, but then again, i suck. anyways i was just wondering if you wanted it to be like that.
I haven't taken part in a sotw for ages. Someone should start one on FH. Theres too much negative space on the right of the sig, but toehrwise its pretty good.
Yeh I know but I haven't made a sig in like 6-7 months and I'm on a new computer so I don't have heaps of images or brushes anymore so I had nothing to put there. I might make some more so I can get back into making them again.