Bubble map spawning in sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Skyphoxx, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. Skyphoxx

    Skyphoxx Ancient

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    Hey guys,

    I'm pretty new to forging, and I love all the great maps on here and elsewhere.

    I've run into two problems so far though with downloaded maps.

    (1) Most Halo 1 and Halo 2 map remakes are not enclosed (like fenced in) which allows irritating players to go way out in the sand on sandbox and pick off people with a sniper rifle instead of staying "in bounds".

    Is there a good way to fence in those areas? If I do a money glitch, will all the people playing custom games with me see the added content past the original wallet amount?

    Is there a real reason why lots of remake maps seem to be missing this essential piece of the puzzle?

    (2) I have found a fantastic remake of "Rat Race" in the sky bubble, but everyone's initial starting spawn ends up on the ground floor of sandbox. How do I prevent this? I tried to edit the map, but if I go out of the sky bubble, I die.

    Again, sorry for being such a newb, I really just want to tighten up my collection for good gameplay. It seems like such a waste when some of these maps are gorgeous, but it doesn't confine the players to it's area.

  2. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    Well, I've got a feeling Pegasi will beat me to this (since he's also viewing this thread), but I'll try to help you as much as possible. The fact that people are spawning on the ground floor usually means that:

    A. There aren't enough spawn points on the map in the skybubble, so people spawn elsewhere on the map, like the mid level or the crypt.

    B. There are spawn points that were left un-deleted by the creator of the map in the mid level.

    To answer your second question, there's a teleporter near the edge of the skybubble that you can use to take from the mid level to the skybubble. Likewise, there's also a teleporter in the mid-level that you can take to the skybubble. Now, for your first question, it all depends on where and how the map is made. If you've found a map that used a canvas in which the guardians are blocked, and the main structure itself is in the normally un-reachable area, then you might need to go out of the map and block and unblock certain guardians (which Pegasi will hopefully explain or give an alternative) in order to prevent players from accessing other areas.

    Now, if the creator of the map didn't know what they were doing, and built a map using a canvas in which the guardians were blocked, but didn't plan on using that extra space outside of the map, then you're going to need to unblock all of the guardians by going out of the map.

    And yes, if you use a money glitched canvas, people will see everything that you added to the map past the original budget amount. Hopefully, that wasn't too confusing for you. If you have questions, just shoot me a visitor message or a private message, or send a message to an experienced Forger.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The money glitch isn't actually very useful on Sandbox, the OLN limit (also known as object limit) is generally what limits you, so a money glitch would likely not give you much extra stuff to work with, definitely not enough to wall off a whole map if I'm not mistaken. I'd guess the impossibility of getting enough spare resources is why most people tend away from walling remakes off.

    The starting spawn issue is to do with the starting point objects in Forge. If you load up the map in Forge and select 'change gametype' from the pause menu, you can load up the map and see specific gametype objects (for example, this is how you place flags etc if you want the map to play CTF), this includes starting spawns. These look just like regular respawn points but with a blue glow extending a little upwards in to the air above them, you'll notice them right away tbh. These can only be seen when you use the 'change gametype' option since they are gametype specific, ie. there will be different starting spawns for Slayer, CTF, Juggernaut, VIP etc. You'll therefore need to go in to Forge, use the 'change gametype' option to select the gametype you experienced the spawning problem in, then go down the the ground level (as for this, to leave or enter the skybubble you need to use the teleporter that Bungie placed there for this reason, it's floating a little way above the grid in the skybubble and sends you down to another teleporter floating just up in the air and off to the side of the ground level), and find the starting points, then move them to where you'd like players to start in the skybubble by taking them back through the teleporters. You'll probably need to do this for every gametype that you wish to play on the map, since it doesn't sound like the original creator understood how to use starting points at all.

    Hope this helps.

    Apparently not lol, too slow as usual :p. But as for your reasons:

    I think it's probably a starting point issue rather than a respawn point issue since he said it was specifically initial spawns where this happened, and that it always takes them to the ground level. I'm guessing the original creator just didn't understand the change gametypes option and thus left all the starting spawns where they are in default Sandbox.
    #3 Pegasi, Mar 26, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2010
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Definitely a game type specific starting point issue as to why you're spawning on the main level...
  5. Skyphoxx

    Skyphoxx Ancient

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    Panncakez and Pegasi, You two are freakin' awesome! Thanks a mil!
    Quick question. Is there a way to move in the guardian borders? That would solve my wall-off problems.
  6. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    Oh I wish, but alas no. An interesting theory on map-walling for slayer gametypes was proposed here, it's basically making a huge hill for the map with walls representing the map boundary. Then mess around in the gametype options until you have one where being in the hill earns you no points, but getting kills still earns you one, then make the outside of hill penalty be something crazy like -10 points a second and there! When you go outside the hill you will receive a rather nasty game-losing point loss until you learn the evil of your exploiting ways. So yea, that's about it. Hope that helps.

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