I've finally arrived at a point where I can say I am truly proud of this one. I feel it's at the point where I wanted it to go. Feel free to use for whatever personal needs you have, however... copyright nickwixon 2010. Click here to download! [warning, giant image in spoiler] [older versions below] Spoiler Full display -> Mouse over -> zoom in on lower left. [mouseoverimage=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/086/9/b/incomplete_p2_by_nickwixon.jpg]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/086/6/2/incomplete_p1_by_nickwixon.png[/mouseoverimage]
I like it, but don't have the light blue line wrap around the uh...circle it just looks like its floating through the air, then it just flops onto the ring.
Well, as I said, it's just an idea, I would (in my mind) have more flowing around it, more intertwined rather than as it is, flopping onto the circle. Thanks though.
...It's a preview, I'm not done bro. There are concepts in my mind that I plan to apply that aren't in any way shape or form apparent at the moment. Well thanks. But I'm not done. Hope you like it in it's finished form. And, new picture.
Good brushwork, but... it's definitely lacking any element that makes it stand out among the other vector/brushwork walls. Also, I feel like your DA address stands out a little bit and makes viewers get a sort of "advertising" impression. I know I feel it. (But maybe it's just me.)
Thanks, and none, I repeat, none of that is brush work. They're all custom shapes. And as for the "nothing that stands out from other vector work" part, I'm still applying the 2d layers of the piece. I have some pretty cool ideas in my mind yet.
Oh, then I think some brush work could compliment it... Also, those would make a great brush pack. I look forward to improvements and revisions!
Will Blow you for Un-watermarked version..heheh. Seriously, I think you should stop now, I LOVE it at this point
WOW!!! This looks awesome so far, I can't wait for this to be finished. It seems like you get your fractals to behave exactly like you want them to. . . how? Are you using apopysis, or some other fractal program? I just need to learn more about fractals myself, is probably the answer. People always say that about unfinished artwork because they can't see it the way the artist does. People always say that about my art as well. And it's cool you like Noxi's artwork too, btw. Keep up the hard work Noxi!!
I'm satisfied with where it's at, I'll be updating the original post as soon as I upload it to DA. And thanks alot nondual, we'll go more indepth about fractals I'm sure, so I'll tell you my process there, and that's a very interesting thought about the unfinished artwork.