Hey.... I was wondering if anyone needs an assistant to help them forge... I am just starting my forging career and I figured the best way to learn would be to help out someone way better than me... so does anyone need an assistant??
hmm... i dont need an assistant as such, i can show you the ropes if you'd like? help you create something? i have ideas all the time, i'd be cool with sharing one with you. Message me on this or xbl. oh, also, just to let you know, i'm an able forger, and i doubt any of the big leaguers are open to help. So i'm not a bad start. also, it'll be a 50-50 thing, so it wont be me hogging glory, as i'll make sure you do half of it (or less if you need help, but thats ok) EDIT: hmm... i maybe should refere you to forge101 to help you learn. Esp. ghost merge, i can show interlocking, map design, spawns and gameplay, but ghostmerging sucks to teach in game due to lag and host stuff.
I looked at forge 101 a couple days ago, so I know the basics like ghostmerging and rudimentary interlocking...
If I'm not busy, I can attempt to help you out, but I'm not particularly good at merging or whatnot...really just gameplay stuff. I don't have a use for an "assistant" personally, but I know some could....for me I feel it'd be getting in the way of when I am feeling creative (which entails me telling whoever is forging with me something like "Make this! Nononono, THIS! Delete that! Forge a giant hill! YOURE DOING IT WRONG GAHHH! *boot*") If you're really set on making great maps, you'll want to know all of the Forging 101s and 201s, but most importantly the reason great maps are great. Studying a great spawn system vs a bad one will show you why that happened and how you can be great yourself, for example. I'll be posting my Forging 201 tonight on map design and the point is that kind of thinking.
well, i'm pretty sure i can teach him all that (or her). But i will be checking out the forge 201... i know i'm not a feature-forger but i know how it works. Which is more important in teaching. and i know what you mean with the "you're doing it wrong" but i like to think i'm patient...
There's no "right" way to go about it, which makes teaching it very tough....guiding people through their own thought processes (no information given, asking hypothetical questions to bring out their thoughts) I've found works best. There's definitely no like "guide" you can follow for that, it's all thinking and there's no real limit to what you can learn, even at the "basic level" (one of my pet peeves is when people say that they "know" something and feel like they're above learning)
i completely agree with you, right now we're sending ideas to each other (he has no mic for a while...) idea is i've said an idea, he says one back, we comment on the others ideas, what sounds good, maybe needs for improvement and so fourth. I have taught a couple of people before, and i know my way around, but like you said, you can always learn more. which is why i want to collaborate, we both bring something to the table, i mean my only map other than the parkour maps has been noted as "too hectic" or something along those lines, a fresh pair of eyes will help me learn also, and grow as a forger.