6-Square Symmetrical Team Awesomeness! 6-Square is an all-around multiplayer arena. Originally designed for Capture-the-Flag and Assault, it has proven to be quite versatile in terms of both gametype and player count. It's handled everything from 14-player King of the Hill to 2v2 Slayer with balance and ease. The weapons may be a little powerful for a 1v1, but disabling vehicles and power weapons could easily counteract this. To help you fully realize why you should download and play this map, I have a little FAQ section below. Why is this better than all the other maps here?: It's not that it's any better for a particular game, but that you can play it with just about anything. So if your Custom Games are nearly as unpredictable as mine, you'll be relieved to know that everyone is happy if your 8v8 Slayer becomes a 3v3 (or vice versa). Ok, you're really pushing the ability of this map to handle any gametype, what about (random crazy gametype I have)?: Well, obviously you couldn't play Ice Cream Man or The Vent on Valhalla, and you couldn't here either. As a general rule, with the exception of Rocket Race, if you can get it in Matchmaking, it plays here. So what does it actually feel like playing?: At the start of a team game, you begin in your den-like base, with the choice to go out to the open, back to the rear courtyard, or up to the balconies. Two Ghosts sort of shrink the map, as travel becomes much quicker. A shield door splits the map in two so the Ghosts can never touch each other, limiting their domain and making them more defensive. In a free-for-all setting, there are three domains people are attracted to: the upper balconies for the sniping opportunities, the courtyard and barricade zones for their Ghosts and rocket launchers, and the bases for the high amounts of cover, shotgun, and secluded nature. Is it possible for one player/team to get a huge advantage?: Since the Ghosts are restricted to their own territory, stealing or hijacking one won't last long, and in free-for-all the rockets and brute shots can balance them out quite nicely. The rockets are two-shot weapons, but if someone grabbed them both they could be a dominant force for a short time, but not enough to upset the scores. What makes this map not a Bungie favorite, what are it's problems?: Well, this was an idea I had for a while floating around from napkin to homework to napkin, and when I finally started, my enthusiasm overtook my patience and I rushed a bit of the construction. Now it's nothing to interrupt gameplay and definitely not anything exploitable, but the walls aren't icy smooth and interlocked as I envisioned. Action Shots 'Cause everyone likes pictures! Map Overview Green Arrows are Routes of Transit Get it Now! - Version 0.9 released on 3-21
Hey, this looks really cool! sounds like you really know how you want this game to play and it seems you've done a good job making it that way. This map seems to not have any purposeful aesthetics which is a bummer because even if your map plays amazingly, chances are no one will download because it is not eye-catching. I can easily imagine this playing well and the fact the walls are so high and the spaces are so big would make you feel really small, which I think is cool. I suggest, if you have any spare money and objects left over, you should make some cool aesthetics. Nice job though 4/5
Hey Darkling thanks for the tip. I made the mistake of deleting the spawns instead of moving them so I'm currently like 10 away from the object limit. I'm also really bad at having the patience to interlock, so if someone could join me for an hour or so and help me add in some visual awesomeness to the arena that would be great. You can PM me here, reply on this forum, or send me a FR on LIVE (cairocat) but no matter what your help would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: Also, if anyone wants to DL it themselves and mess around with interlocking I know I'm not online that much but you could of course send me feedback and ideas from an eyewitness perspective.
I have two words for you: -Forging 101 -Ghost Merging -Too open -Moar Interlocking -Learn Expectations -Meet them -Casual Map -It's breakable -Looks fun -But isn't -43% awesome