When they say Friends and Family, are they talking about famous Halo players and community leaders, or what? Because I don't see any other reason that they would (or should) pick someone like me or any other joe schmoe.
I lol'd, but does this mean one of our members has a chance? Also, the date is... April 15. Huh. That's 2 weeks and 3 days before the Public Beta is out.
It's the beta, but specific people get to play it before the rest of the community, usually to build hype.
You're right, my bad. iCal is pretty sneaky, lol. April 29th. 4 days before the Beta, similar to Halo 3's beta.
Glad you guys get to discover the bugs and glitches so we get an enjoyable experience! It mean a lot to us.. really. =]
I don't think anyone has already been designated yet (or maybe so, and they're keeping i a secret.) Of course, if anyone here in FH IS invited to the F&F beta, they'll post screenshots. It's their duty. lol.
EEEEEEEEEEEEExactly. I know how much fun you had going through every single item over and over in Sandbox, Insane. lol. I think Rick got it early too...
Sorry guys no pancake theory this time. I'd probably grind a street light to get into the beta early. Not no pansy on the ground stuff, more like being on top of the street light waving my hand in the air round and round.
Actually, TDF didn't have the Mythic codes; I did. Either way, it wasn't part of a Friends and Family plan, so we shouldn't assume that we'll be getting codes, or if we do the same amount as last time (20 of em). Regardless, I'd like to keep this discussion from going offtopic; as far as we know it's completely unrelated. @Orange's post below mine: Sorry, deleted it. We were about to get very OT....that's a different discussion that can be held elsewhere.
also, they probbly gave us mythic codes because this had sandbox, a forging map, and this is the biggest forging community. if they have forge in the public beta, than we would get some codes. otherwise, probably not.