That's a LOT of grenades. I would expect some serious 'nade spam as a result, have you experienced this on the map? I see your 'nades are in sets of 2. Perhaps reduce all of them to a lone grenade? Bear in mind people will be dropping them too.
This goes for everyone who doesn't like the sword. I wouldn't count the map off so quickly because it has a sword. The sword used to be an MLG weapon and could very well return (Walshy is vouching for it). Also, just because the sword or any other weapon for that matter isn't one of MLG's approved weapons doesn't mean it can't work because all maps play differently. The only reason the sword isn't included in MLG right now is because of it's lunge inconsistencies, but that doesn't mean it can't work for this map. The reason Maulers are used is because shotguns are too over powering and the swords inconsistencies that I mentioned above. The mauler is also more powerful than the sword with skilled players because of the weapon switching delays. The only way you can get a kill with the sword is having it out which is the biggest "shoot me" sign ever. Even though it or the rockets aren't the most skillful, MLG has to have some power weapons. The rockets are also surprisingly skillful and aren't over powerful like the laser because of their limited range. The map looks pretty solid but doesn't really have any features that jump out at me. It seems like it took elements from multiple MLG maps, and I could have sworn that another map had that exact same middle with a custom power-up in place of the sword. If this really is your friends first serious map, it looks pretty nice, and he did a great job on interlocking. I just realized that I contradicted myself about twenty times throughout that post.
I played this about an hour ago and I didnt really see anything I didnt like, maybe like Shock said that there's just way to many nades. I like the area where sword spawns, but you should probably put in something that suits the map better. Reading other people's posts I agree, thats not really a sword map. An idea is maybe take those wall-boxes (hopefully you know what Im talking about) and change them to fence walls, and put a sword in each of them. That way you could keep the sword theme, people would see the sword, and youd really make it an MLG map.
hey. thanks everyone for your comments. i will take these in to account. i will be starting version 1.5 next week. the new changes will be less grenades. a little more cover and a new weapon or power-up. send me a FR if you want to help test the map. thanks GT- JAYclash
I like downloading MLG maps and I am working on one of my own (So far it's called MLG Census and it is meant to be a TS/KoTH map but the weapon layout will be tough. I think oddball would work on it too but whatever). Sorry I got off-topic. This map really is nice (sorry I can only give you praise for the graphc/pics and the thread organization). Interlocking is smooth and the layout is very good. I love playing MLG but I can't find people (who match my skill) with similar passion. Therefore it was hard for me to test. Ah, well. Yeah, the sword is (the only thing that's) questionable. I would have stuck a mauler on that map without second thought. I loved swords in Halo 2 (except of course, when I sucked at it) and I hope they do return in MLG to counter maulers (if MLG would ever have 2 of them on a map at once, I rather doubt it).
It's a good map and I have tested it with JAYclash and the sword works well, not the greatest choice but it does work. The amount of grenades is questionable in a 4v4 but the most i've done on it is 2v2, and it was great fun. The map needs a few more carbines as people will be dropping BR's so there will be heaps of ammo but there won't be much carbine ammo, so just put in 1 or 2 more and take out the same ammount of BR's.
i am currently working on falcion v1.5 its pretty much done but i just have to add some cover on the side parts.
if its mlg then it must be good..................IT MUST good job of interlocking in the middle with extreme bib bob
same thing linou. it doesnt just have to be mlg it can be a normal slayer map. but it really supports mlg
jis that he original map thats used on mlg ? coz i think ive seen some differences but im not 100% sure
we need more maps like this the mlg maps ALWAYS play welland are always made by great forgers. 5/5 keep it up. hopeto see more of this kinda map if you like playing costom games i host costom games on the weekends.. not ver organized times but i it always works out. hit me up if your into that. Vendetta814