After months upon months of designing, forging, and playtesting I have finally decided that my latest map is worthy of release. Until then enjoy this small teaser. More to come shortly...
looks great, a nice unique layout, good variation in height, nice intricate crossovers, not sure on the central rooms line of sight, but then again i cant see the all the height variations in there. but overall, you've got my download (which is rare i might add)
I'm very curious as to why this is now just a preview. I enjoyed the games I've played on it but I'd like to see how this map would play with smaller parties (6v6 gets pretty hectic haha). Overall, a very solid map vincent.
Wow, looks very cool. I love the height variation and all the ramps, as well as the layout as I see it so far. You're a fantastic designer, one of the best, I see it in many if not all of your maps, and this is just as good. Looking forward to seeing this on the front page, though I would like to test this or at least play with a party (which I rarely do) sometime. When did you plan on release, or more testing possibly?