Hey Forgehub. Ever been forging a map which you believe could be the next feature and then oh snap!, you hit the object limit! Well I can tell you, thats happened to me a few times and its annoying. This is why I have decided to write this guide on how to maximize your object limit and budget on Sandbox. As for the other maps, well I cant help you there (but the main ideas are the same). The Guide: To begin with, download this epic winsauce OLN canvas created by MetaWaddleDee and A Red Bull Can and straight away move the two columns blocking the crypt hole (unless you want them) to somewhere you can easily get them. If you however you need the Guardians to be blocked I recommend this almost as winsauce canvas. Now after stealing a copy of one of those super maps you can begin maximizing budget and/or OLN. Keep up learner: 1. Begin by working out which game types are needed for your map. Once you know your game, delete all the start points/spawn areas/objectives from all the other game types that 'aint gonna be needed. This frees up OLN (despite what others might say). 2. Now that you have cleared up quite a few objects you can begin forging. Remember to use up all the OLN objects you can before diving into that object menu and bringing your own objects to life. DONT DELETE THE EXCESS OLN OBJECTS YET. 3. Once you have built your map you can use those specific game type objects which you saved and place them on your map. DONT DELETE THE EXCESS OBJECTS YET. 4. Whats that I hear, you've finished your map? Great work, NOAW TEST IT! 5. During testing, if anything needs to be changed (e.g, spawn areas, starting points, objective points, more cover) use the OLN objects that you hopefully did not delete. Do more testing until you are completely satisfied with the end result. Now you can remove the excess OLN objects and post your map. Tips and Tricks: - Be clever with your map design so as to use the smallest ammount of objects. - Dont forge with a partner unless on the same xbox. This can cause objects to glitch and never appear. - Budget Gitched canvases are risky. Usually an OLN Canvas has enought money and objects to be able to build whatever you need. If you using a budget glitched canvas you can risk stuffing up the whole map. FAQ: Q: What if I hit the OLN before I have finished my map? A: Go through your map and delete anything that could be deleted. I find that going through and deleting all the weapons as well clears up a lot of OLN and money. Q: What if I hit the budget limit before I have finished my map? A: Go through and delete any OLN objects which you know wont be needed. Also, same as before, delete all the weapons already placed on the map. Q: Why bother using an OLN canvas? A: All those objects you see are using up none of the OLN. Also, because they are placed on the map already, you can use them and they wont cost anything. Q: OMFGSH I deleted an OLN object? A: If you saved before deleting it then just end the game and go back in. If you didnt save your map and deleted it, think about if its extremely important. If not then dont worry about it. Q: Ghost merging these objects is as bad as shoving needles into my eye. What can I do? A: Search bar or keep trying. Q: Did you right all these questions and answers yourself, including this one? A: Shhhh! Ill add any more questions you may have and answer them.
The columns blocking the crypt are OLN too. ...and deleting objects from other gametypes doesn't increase your OLN at all. I didn't really understand the guide though...
Deleting the OLN objects does not "free up" more OLN to be used. Thats the entire point of the OLN canvas. If you delete those two columns like you suggest, you're out two objects. Deleting the objective items from other gametypes does nothing for OLN. Here, I'll write a better OLN maximizing guide. Delete nothing, get creative in using the least number of objects you can to accomplish what you want, use a money glitched canvas if you're into that sort of thing, and wherever possible, use an OLN object in place of a spawned object. Also, don't forge with other people in the game because occasionally on host changes you lose your objective items that will eat up your OLN when you replace them with spawned ones.
For recent maps, I try to keep a version with the excess OLN objects still on the map and test/release the map without OLN objects.
The OLN objects add nothing to the Object Limit, therefore deleting the excess starting points, respawn areas, and anything else goal related, does nothing but hurt you, its much better to leave those there because they count towards nothing, or if you dont want them, hide them under a double block (kind of like when you sweep the floor and shove the dust under a rug).
Dude, no offense, but just about everything you said was misguided, confusing and a fail. - Deleting any OLN objects (including staring points, goals, etc.) will do nothing but make you loose those objects forever. - If your map is money glitched in some way, then the budget is irrelevant. You could sum up this whole notion by simply saying. DL an OLN canvas. Don't delete any OLN objects. Budget glitch whatever items you want if the standard budget is not enough to finish your map.
Not that I know of. While I do agree that using budget glitched canvases are risky for people who aren't quite sure how to use it, the payoff itself is much higher than the risks. You should also explain why using a budget glitch is risky.