What GUI? I was running Fbu's client while Killor packed the Client for Eclipse Stable. Hari is doing our GUI...
hey killor, i wanted to tell you that i'd like to help on the game. im a good friend with mongoose (in real life, suprisingly). Im not very experienced in scripting, but mongoose said he would teach me how to map, scrpipt, etc. he sent me the files, so i have the client. How can i help?
Knowing you, you're going to put your server up as soon as we do get to Alpha. I know it, because you enjoy crushing others' dreams.
Thursday to Sunday i will not be here so Alpha "may" get a little delayed. Aslong as the server dont get overloaded, It will be still worked on. And Off-Topic: Anyone here Have Fallout 3 for the PC?
I have fallout 3 for Pc! why do you ask? On topic: have you set a final date for the Alpha release then since its Monday now??
Isn't it still Sunday? Owait, you live in Scotland. The release of Alpha all depends on the availability of the server and can be affected severely by any events going on in either Killor's or my life. I would give a date, except there's a 99.9% chance that I'd be wrong. Lets just say if all goes well, Alpha should be out by the end of next week (around the 17th). EDIT: Killor's working on mods for Fallout 3 for the PC. That's why he wanted to know.
Yea. It turns out, When you know your travel cancel out between a huge storm where i live. Its kinda staying until monday. And the Power went out...as i left the house thursday.
The only thing I have to say right now is we picked up the pace of work... alot. Bloo Jay (is going to) understand(s) the plan and he'll work right behind me as I go through and add detail to the 26 maps that I created and linked together(What you will come to know as Forge Forest). More in my blog on Saturday. For now, if you're interested in playing the final game, join the social group. That's where all discushionzz will take place after the full ACT I is available. Actually, I have a chat thread up in there. As of now this thread is locked. Go post in the social group. I'll get a mod to lock this.