
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, Dec 10, 2007.

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  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    This is a new map that I have been working on and testing for a while. The map is called Campground because both bases are in "Camp Froman." One team starts on the top floor and the other starts on the bottom. All exits from either base are blocked off and a destructable barricade is placed in the passageway bettween them. Aside from destroying that barricade, the only way between bases is the teleporters. There are two teleporters at each base leading to two passage ways bettween the bases. This totals to four total rooms, arranging in circle form to create a unique map. Everyone has instant kill, but if they pass through a teleporter to get between these rooms they'll lose it for three seconds along with their team color and ally waypoint for three seconds. Whem you play with the Boyscout CTF game variant (mode named by Oscar TG01) your flag must be home to score, flags will be returned when dropped, players start with shotguns, and their are instant kills (except after going through a teleporter). The whole map and mode combination creates an exciting and competitive original Halo map and mode. You can find screenshots below as well as a link to download the map and mode. Unfortunately, I currently cannot publish them through bungie, so I have to tell you the slot numbers, if anyone is willing to publish them for me through the "copy to my file share" feature, it would be appreciated (if not that's okay too). Special thanks to everyone who helped test it.





    (More screenshots coming soon)

    Download (Slot 4/17)
  2. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Looks awesome...I'm currently fooling around with a different way to play ctf too. Much different though.
    Queued by the way.
  3. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Well, by the screenshots, looks pretty cool. Vague, but too totally random.
  4. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Hey awesome. I cant figure out how you can have more then 2 teams on CTF. Can some1 help, i no how to set the flag to 3rd and 4th team, etc, but how do i actually eneable them
  5. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    the 3rd and forth team have to be set to attackers and defenders aswell.
  6. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

  7. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Thanks, I hope you guys enjoy it. I will be adding more screenshots soon so you can see more of the level. And I'm pretty sure the third a fourth team need attackers and defenders as well for a four way CTF, as x Fbu x said.
  8. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    looks okay, downloading. Im kinda confused how big the play area is though...
  9. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Make sure you get the game variant as well and it will seem like an intense and competitive new way to play CTF and you won't recognize the level used to be Last Resort (in game).
  10. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    I know, I can't feature this, and I didn't use Foundry, but please still really check it out, it shows the power forge had before Foundry was even made.
  11. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Wow, great innovative idea, Gravedigger! I'll queue!
  12. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Campground-Looks Like a Whole New Map, Complete With a New Way to Play CTF

    Thanks, Lance. To everyone who's played it, please post again after you play so people know what others think it's like.

    Offtopic: You posted an idea you wanted to see made before, with the attackers spawn moving in, that'll be my next map, testing will begin soon. Send me a pm and I'll tell you the details about and you could test it with me.
  13. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
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