A Theory on Infection Mapmaking

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SargeantSarcasm, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Forerunner

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    As far as read when I skimmed the major points and paragraphs, was that there is no mention about the possibility of humans winning by reaching a score limit.
    Although actualy surviving a zombie apocolypse by killing all zombies in reality is absurd, the game could be based as a contained outbreak in which if the humans stay alive, they have the ability to win. This will keep the game interesting.
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I looked into something similar with this actually.... playing with the spawn numbers... Like 10 lives per infection and every time they kill a player the force respawn on all dead infection. It would be interesting to see a wave of infection pop up again like left for dead. I was talking to Coyote over on XF about this actually.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    First, you shouldn't just "skim" a lengthy post and THEN comment. Sure you can do the former, but not in conjunction with the latter, it just shows a crude understanding of courtesy and politesse.

    Second, this was a VERY general guide. I had to get it out for the contest as soon as possible and frankly, I don't see the benefit for any party to go really in-depth regarding any possible incarnation of the Infection gametype. Meant as a grounded jumping off point before you went into the abyss that is creativity or lack thereof due to some block or another.

    Third, this was a guide about Infection Mapmaking not gametypes. I may cover gametypes in a subsequent guide if the mood suits me and community interest is high. As such, I covered "traditional" infection, which implies overwhelming odds for the humans, and had you actually read the guide, you would've noticed that I inserted quite a bit about "hope" implying that humans should have the ability to survive the round if the map/gametype is well-rounded.
  4. siahsargus

    siahsargus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My Idea:
    Well I'm working on a Infection Map where the Alpha Zombie drops in front of the humans and both sides can see each other through a energy shielded window. Nothing can get through the window, but as the survivors spawn facing the window, they will go towards it, just in time to see the zombie drop in front of them. This serves a dual purpose of upping the atmosphere and showing the survivors what weapon the zombie has, if they can see the zombie on radar, if the zombie has active camo, and other gameplay important things like that.

    The Zombies have four, energy shielded spawn hives that drop them into the survivors location. The survivors can move from there position, and down main street, where there are three buildings, the emphasis will be placed on teamwork through winding hallways, dead end room, long-range balconies, and other such things. Even though it is an "open world" map, I will leave no-repawn stick grenades in pairs through that map, as well as Assault rifles, Pistols, SMGs, Spikers, Plasma Rifles, and Plasma Pistols as "bad area breadcrumbs" EG: dangerous places with multiple cross-fire points that the survivors have to risk to get at the goodies.

    I am also building a gametype called "Do Wield"
    25% random spawn of Zombies every round
    3 rounds
    Zombies are 110% speed 90% gravity
    Zombies have shields and normal damage resistance
    Zombies have poor camo
    Zombies cannot pick up weapons or grenades
    Zombies spawn with Assault Rifles
    Zombies have Omnipotent radar
    Humans have normal stats, and spawn with pistols
    Humans are encouraged to dual wield
    Humans have grenades
    Humans can only see friendlies on radar

    I will be putting this variant on my file share. Please note: It may not work with all maps. Feedback is appreciated.
    #64 siahsargus, Dec 9, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2009
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great guide sarge, really liking it. Especially the cliches part!

    Keep up the good work in Forging 201!
  6. ShOWsTOpPa117

    ShOWsTOpPa117 Forerunner

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    :surprise:mg:that is so cool,just from reading that i love infection,is it possible if you could post a picture of one of your infection maps?

    whats the password for the forge academy
    #66 ShOWsTOpPa117, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  7. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    I've kinda stopped forging. I usedta forge a shitton and never release anything because I'm a perfectionist, but now that MW2 is out, that has my attention. lol
  8. RAYBO

    RAYBO Forerunner

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    Wow man how long did this take to compile? Vary extensive and well laid out, Great job!
  9. SMP

    SMP Forerunner

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    very good guide, well written, but what about equiptment? like, would trip mines be could things to give the humans so they could set up traps? or maybe flares to escape zombie sieges? or deployable covers so humans could try camping in a usually uncampable place? also, camping isn't all that bad, after all it's humans holding off a barrage of infected zombies, as long as the game creator is smart and makes sure weapons don't respawn, and ammo is limited. atm i'm working on an infection map, with about two small armories with never respawning weapons, small clip size, and only one or two of each weapon. and these armories are undesireable to camp in, after a short time, as they are open... but here's the cache, I've rigged the armory to have a door that wont open until a couple minutes into the game (really quite simple to do) and an already open exit which is one way, and you cannot enter the room through it, but only exit (like a hole in the floor suspended above the ground)
  10. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice guide. There's everything in here to make an extremely well made Infection map. I've been using this same formula for a while, but it's interesting to see it all laid out here. Once again, good job on the awesome guide!
  11. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    congrats sargeant!! this tutorial completely covers all of the aspects of infection and should be a very good reference to people making infection maps
  12. King x Sausage

    King x Sausage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good tips, being a H2 zombies OG myself, i could relate to what you were saying well.
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    After reading through this article (a bit lengthy but worthwhile) i realized some things i needed to change in my Infection maps and gametypes ASAP. And after doing so i did begin to notice better gameplay which was overall more exciting and fun than before. These will definatly be the standards i will use when making infection maps/gametypes in the future.
  14. falcan125

    falcan125 Forerunner

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    nice guide man also i think that 1 hit kill zom gametypes are generally made by people in the intention that they will never be the zom.also i would like to add if people make a map on foundary there should be no grav hammers as annoying retards go using it for no reason making the whole map shudder tampering with the gameplay and making the game less enjoyable.
  15. TheDeathstr1ke

    TheDeathstr1ke Forerunner

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    A good tip for Armories is to not make the Guns respawn. This disscourages camping, and makes it more of a "Grab what you can, and keep moving" thing. And this works better too, because the Human's ammo is even further limited, giving the Infected even more of a chance. And this guide has done 2 things for me: Make me want to make an Open World Infection map, and learn how to make switches.
  16. beyerwrestler

    beyerwrestler Ancient
    Senior Member

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    An immensely well thought out and crafted read that was, good stuff. I really liked how you touched on the realism aspect to help balance Infection games. I've always had an attraction to the "Save One Bullet" esque gametypes, as they not only incorporate terror and a focus on teamwork, but touch on story-telling in your map which to me is also important when forming your "brain-eating..brain child..". There's nothing like that moment when your forcedto either flee or hide..2 shells in your shotty and 1 shot left in your pistol, as your former teammates come rushing towards you, picking off a couple before the walking dark overcomes you. All in all thank you for the tips and thought on what to me is one of the best gametypes ever conceived.
  17. Petrolhead32

    Petrolhead32 Forerunner

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    This is a great guide. Works for REACH aswell. Never thought about some of the less obvious points

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