'Shotgun Alley' Map 'Shotgun Speed' Gametype Note: This is my first map and any suggestions, criticisms, etc. are welcome. Ok the basic idea of this map is for the defense to protect a bomb and not let it get planted and the offense has to grab the bomb and plant it, with a small twist.... The offense is flying at high speeds down a hallway and at the end of it lies the bomb and a huge pack of players waiting to shotty you. Ok, I know the description I just gave isn't that good so, since they say pictures are worth a thousands words, look at these: [img width=800 height=600]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/djcdude/14992875-Full.jpg[/img] Defense Spawn - the Defense spawns here proud and strong with their shotguns. Also included in this picture is the "goal" (teleporters) where the offense must bring the bomb (upon going through the teleporter they drop right on the bomb site) and the bomb that the offense must get. [img width=800 height=600]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/djcdude/14992928-Full.jpg[/img] The "Shotgun Alley" - this is the main alley that the offense will come flying down time after time. [img width=800 height=600]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/djcdude/14993076-Full.jpg[/img] Offense Spawn - going through the teleporter will send you down the alley at a high speed. [img width=800 height=600]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/djcdude/14993384-Full.jpg[/img] The Bomb plant point - once picking up the bomb and heading through the teleporter you will instantly plant the bomb here and almost instantly blow up. the second teleport loops you around to the beginning of the alley just in case you miss or forget the bomb.
Photos Plz!!! EDIT by Furious: Don't bring these old threads back to the top by posting in them. You're pushing newer better maps down the list.