This version of the pit was made for CTF / assault gametypes, and works best on symmetrical game variants, (especially neutral bomb). I also made a territories gametype, with SEVEN territories. It works best on flag rally with at least 4v4. Best with more. Both teams have three bases. I made this map extremely symmetrical, and a LOT more exciting than the original pit. The snipers are actually placed near a sniping spot, I made things more close range (lots of strategically placed crates and barriers) Download: Clicky Screenshots: [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img]
Personally, I love the look and feel of this map. It reminds me of real life lasertag, what with the narrow trenches, open (and yet closed) rooms, and the sort. Really well done, but it remains to see if it's balanced. I like it, regardless, 'cause it's purty. ;D
Thanks, that gives me a really good idea to make a laser tag map. I might do it on here later... It does feel a lot like a lasertag arena though you're right.
Pic Aint Workin M8! EDIT by Furious: Don't bring these old threads back to the top by posting in them. You're pushing newer better maps down the list.