the wind stagger is to obvious in my opinion, and you need to work on blending text also, the little sister needs to stand out from the background
yea the text looks nice by its self but it just doesn't go with the picture. the actual picture though is great. i like the kinda windy effect that makes the big daddy look like hes dripping water. and just the colors and that gloomy effect is fantastic
Yeah, the sister obviously isn't the subject of the image, so she should stay like she is. I really like the effects, though, but I'm not too keen on the text.
well not like really stand out, but you need to either add some color to her or completely smudge her off the picture, because otherwise, having only the focal colorized/affected at all degrades the piece
Move the word "Reign" a bit to the left, so it's out of the way of "Nades" That overlap is killin' me!