Unlike my first attempt at posting, this time I have pics and a map. Map description: a fortress assult map on Avalanche, both bases are "boarded up" and well defended. The path through the middle has been blocked, and each base sports a landing pad and auto-defense system. Both bases have 1 Hornet, 2 Warthogs, and 1 Scorpion. Link to map. Screen shots: Armoury Landing Pad Base 1 Base 2 Automatic Defense Additional Information: A very vehicle based map, there are enough vehicles to move an 8 man team around with room to spare. Weapons on map include: Battle Rifles, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Rocket Launchers, Bruteshots, Magnums, frag grenades, plasma grenades and spike greandes. Aviod the central grav cannons if you know what's good for you. (did I forget anything?)
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Sure did, need to embed you pics hombre. Quick rundown: Go to the screenshot viewer on bungie.net, and save the screens of the map to your computer. Than, go hit up a free image host such as photobucket or imageshack. Then, simply click the Insert Image button where you want it, and input the direct URL for the image. I personally highly recommend photobuket. It has been good to me for many a year.
no offense but this map is really bad. what did u do delete the vehicles and put all the weps in one room?
No, there're vehicles, but yess both bases have an armoury instead of the weapons being spread out. It is a base assault map after all.
well generally maps on this site r well thought out. this isnt goint to catch on cus it took like 5 seconds to make and isnt anything special.
I can understand if you don't like it, but don't insult my intelect by saying I didn't put thought into it.
i dont know yes all the weopons are in one place which looks cool on the pic by the way but it is kind of simple. The vehicles on the other hand are cool i mean the warthogs have launch ramps and how many hornet landing pads have yopu seen? I really like the fusion coil shooter as well.
Thank you. It took awhile to get the launch ramps at the right angle so the hogs don't flip when you "launch" them. The weapons placement wasn't supposed to be complicated. Yea, the fusion coil shooter was a fun little add-on, wasn't it?
Im sorry but this has no appeal to me you should spend more time into it playtest fix playtest repeat repeat it may become stronger.