Sandbox Silent Knight: Arboretum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Bubba Doongai, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
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    This map is inspired by the Batman: Arkham Asylum DLC 'Hothouse Prey'. In it, one of your party will play as the Batman and the others as the Joker's henchmen. The gameplay is designed to mimic that of the predator challenges in the game, featuring secret passages (tunnels), gargoyles (obelisks) and equipment such as grav lifts, flares and power drains to help batman achieve his goal. That goal is to take out the armed henchman intending to snap his neck.

    Since the henchmen have guns, the direct approach is suicide. You have to use stealth, markers above the henchmen's heads and the equipment provided to take them all out. As the Batman you will start with a plasma pistol which, when fully charged, will take down your opponent's shields allowing you to kill them with two melees. This is supposed to serve as a batarang of sorts. You can use grav lifts to get up to the gargoyles and flares to blind your enemy. If you manage to move around unseen then you may even manage to get an assassination or two.

    The map itself is quite small and because of that it is only suitable for 2-4 players. But don't worry, playing with a small party is great fun.

    Strategy Guide (Batman)

    Double Blind
    Grab a flare and approach a henchman from the front, charging your plasma pistol. Throw your flare at him and shoot your charged plasma shot straight after. Proceed to melee twice.

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Bat
    Find a corner where, when crouched, you are hidden. Wait here in a crouch until a henchman walks past. Melee him in the back or if that goes wrong fire a charged plasma shot and punch him twice.

    Death From Above
    Gain access to a gargoyle via the deployable grav lifts. Move around them until you find an unsuspecting henchman. Jump down and beat him senseless.


    False Trail
    Using a deployable grav lift alerts the henchmen to your position, unless you're smart. Throw a grav lift down and leg it down to a lower level, they won't suspect a thing.

    Run Batman, RUN!
    When you've been spotted you have two options, fight or flight. If you don't fancy ending up on the wrong end of an assault rifle then a mad dash across the map should lose your attackers.

    Out of Sight, Out of Mind
    The most obvious strategy is to stay out of sight. Use the markers to track the henchmen's movements because if you can see them they can almost always see you.

    What Not To Do (Henchmen)
    Do not leave your back exposed
    Do not trap yourself
    Do not lose sight of Batman
    Do not ignore your teammates
    Avoid doing these things and you may just prolong your imminent death.



    Middle Floor

    Middle Floor (Other side)

    Bottom Floor


    There are two issues:

    1) The map is escapable. However, there is no incentive to escape the map and in all of the games I've played on this no one has even thought of attempting it.

    2) There is a spawning issue. I have tried many different things to solve it and the only one that seems to work is that all of the players have to die at the start of the round. So you will fall from the skybubble before spawning inside the map. If anyone can find a way to fix the spawns properly then I would be very grateful and would give them credit in a V2. The specific problem is that, without dying at the start of the round, people always spawn in the same place meaning that everyone knows where batman is.

    Map Download: Arboretum

    Gametype Download: Silent Knight
    #1 Bubba Doongai, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2010
  2. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    looks great I like the idea, I'll download it and review it when I get a chance. Whats wrong with the spawns? If you give me more details I could probably help.
  3. BabyBaconStrips

    BabyBaconStrips Ancient

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    dude this looks amazingly fun but the whole escapable thing is bad u may play with peple who wont but some people will, and most of them will over and ove to annoy other players 7 i think i might be able to fix your spawn problem.
  4. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. Dak, the spawn problem is pretty much explained there. It's that batman and the henchmen will spawn in exactly the same place every time as opposed to changing spawns every round. I'm pretty sure it's to do with the size of the map, but I can't really change that. I've tried spawn areas, starting points, respawn points etc. but I'm no expert so I might have done something wrong.

    At BaconStrips, I don't see escapability being a major problem but if someone can fix the spawns and I make a V2 then I'll try and put a roof on.
  5. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    From the sound of it the re-spawn points are influencing all players to spawn together because of how close they are together, re-spawn points have a small area of influence around them where if one player will spawn there his teammate is more likely to spawn right next him. Here is a great link for more information: If you have any re-spawn areas around the spawn points that might be it too if you want I could hop on and help you. :)
  6. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spawns make my head hurt :( I tried to follow what you said but I just can't get my head around halo's spawns.
  7. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol want me to go on and help you?
  8. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    Just a little suggestion for the v2. Make it where the walls go inwards only once around the outside of the map since you cant really jump out from the middle. I do love the idea though ill give it a dl
  9. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    with the spawn thing, did you even try my idea of a spawn room for batman? also, another idea, start of the round, batman drops into a teleporter, and will pop out in a random receiver node? if he start high up, henchmen will run around thus be in different places, and to stop batman gaining too much speed into the teleporter, try have him deflected into it perhaps?
  10. Zanderman227

    Zanderman227 Ancient

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    I played Batman: AA. And this? I mean, really... This? Well... This is absolutely beautiful. I mean, I haven't played it yet, but. I think I know what room you were going for, but there were a few like this and each one was a thrill.

    You've really done the Dark Knight an honor by giving him a cameo in Halo. Next thing you know we'll be playing as Altair or a Big Daddy. I just hope whenever that DOES happen, because it probably will even if we have to wait until Reach for it, I just hope it's half as good as this.
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Looks nice, I'll give it a dl once I clear some stuff out of my harddrive. Anyway, what are the damage, damage resistance and shield traits for batman and the henchmen. I love being stealthy in halo, it's easily my favorite part, so I'm hoping this will be pretty good. Also, does either team have motion trackers? Overall it looks like a really nice map, good job!
  12. Oni Alpha Elite

    Oni Alpha Elite Ancient

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    put it down to one punch kill
    it would make it easier
    but i did dL :)
  13. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    This seems to be a more interesting map than what I have seen before. The way you have incorporated so much into a little space is amazing! Like you said, what is the point of getting out of the map, it doesnt help you. Anyway this is very eye-catching and since I just got done playing plays very well and is alot of fun. I will be playing this for a long time to come.
  14. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Just finished playing and i have to say, i love this map/gametype. I noticed the map had a eery and dark feel to it that made it seem a little more mysterious. Anyways if you do get a v2 out there you've got a download from me. 5/5
  15. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I wonder, does this play more than 4 people? I had a game going yesterday with 4 people, and it was incredibly fun. I was actually quite surprised to see how difficult it was for people to see Batman.

    Great map in almost every aspect, my only dislike being the ladder. The gametype has a very unique concept which makes for some fun shenanigeansy games. I wonder though, will you be making any more maps of this type?
  16. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I absolutely love this.

    I can't begin to tell how satisfying it is for me to jump down on some unsuspecting chump and assassinate his ass... =D

    My big big dislike of this though is when all the henchmen decide they want to camp the hidden passages.

    Otherwise excellent job on creating a fun stealthy game.
  17. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This is a really great map and is truly a have thing to play with 4 people. There are some player traits that could be different but everyone has there own opinion on those. Some people have said this already but I believe that you should make the infected/silent knight one-hit kill, that or make him completely invisible. Great map though.
  18. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
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    Oh **** i almost missed this one wow very impresive DLing now. Nice idea you have here. It must be awesome to personify batman in halo.
  19. Geoff Portnoy

    Geoff Portnoy Ancient
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    I was actually wanting to make a map like this. Great job, and you did better that I ever could have. The gameplay is fantastic, and I played the game mode for a good couple of hours, trying it on different maps. Obviously the one it was built for works best. :D

    If you're still going to continue with a series of B:AA maps, you should try doing the Medical Ward where the first SK challenge takes place.
    #19 Geoff Portnoy, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  20. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
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    Hey man after playing a bunch of rounds on this i noticed that with 6 plus people batman just gets slaughtered every time so i changed the damage resistance for the henchmen to where its easier to kill them , not one hit kill but easier to kill them.If u do this more people can play on the map.I would suggest u do the same for V2.The map itself is beautiful though and I hope u make all of them from the game so keep em coming dude.
    #20 DIEabolical, Apr 15, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2010

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