Don't fall on the teleporters

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by brendanxboy, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    This is my third map, second minigame, first minigame that isnt a maze but i dont think anyone cars about that, lol.

    Basically, you jump from bridge to bridge in a futile attemp to avoid the zombie who has a grav hammer and needler, everyones is invincible,the zombie tries to either A) knock u into a teleporter that takes you to your doom using either a needler or a grav hammer, or B) tries to assassinate you.You can assassinate the zombie but i wouldnt suggest risking your life for a simple point.the humans have plasma pistols for ssense of false hope.the rounds last 6 mins(yipes) and if you survive to be last man you get 6 points!Here are some pics

    Starting spot,teleporters to doom and a bridge(bridges are slanted up(looks like this l\)to make a triangle shape and 2 are attatched at once)


    Death zone 1

    Death zone 2(i call it flying corpses land lolz)

    Here are the links

    Game Variant : Don't fall on the teleporters : Map Variant
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    not bad... pretty original, the only thing id say is more pics of the actual map nd not just the spawn and death areas... also, ppl usually dnt like to see spawn points in pics so as friendly advice, try takin pics in theatre after a custom game to get rid of them, just advice tho,

    anyway, the map looks pretty cool, like the idea but just wondering, is 6 minutes too long? it seems like itd be impossible... have u tested it enough? otherwise looks good, i guess ill DL to find out :]
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I dont wanna sound mean but, INTERLOCK.
    Man I've told that to a lot of people recently.
    The gametype seems alright, not the best or most original.
    But I haven't played it so I dont know. HAve you tested it?
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    hey linubidix... chill, interlocking isnt important, seriously, its more of an aesthetic thing. I say it should only be used when completely neccessary. Dnt freak on ppl for not interlocking, seriously lol
  5. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    first of all, i did interlock on the key parts that needed it.And if you wanna see some more interlocking just check out the map thats in my siggy called bullseye.Also, like what i did with the Wordplay?the game variant is don't fall and the map is the teleporters so in a game it would say Don't fall on the teleporters lolz
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    oo i get it now lol, hadnt seen tht... very creative, nice touch
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Sorry for being a bit harsh but unfortuneately interlocking neccessary for almost all maps.
    It may not be for yours but chances are that if you interlocked it will make it better.
    And it may be a pain interlocking but if you wanna make a really good map you have to -
    • interlock
    • interlock
    • test it a lot
    • put a lot of thought into it
    I'll download as an apology for being a tad too judgemental.
  8. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    But, it seems quite to the contrary to me. Interlocking is a staple in all modern maps. It smooths edges, makes for better scenery, and can change a statement like " it's a pile of boxes..." to "That is one mighty fine wall you've got there..."

    Think of it like this, how many companies held out on buying computers once the technology was readily available? At the time, a type writer got the job done. But, as time progressed on, people began to have higher and higher expectations. Thus, the computer infiltrated every walk of life. I see interlocking objects in the same light.

    And I'm sure someone will come back with "That's just your opinion". Well, duh. If it weren't my opinion, why on Earth would I say it. But, seriously, look at the recent influx of maps. The ones that get recognized at all are interlocked. I'm not saying make flowing hills or something, but smooth some edges. Makes it harder for people to get "tripped up".
  9. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    thats ok you dont have to download im just an impatient guy lol.
  10. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    yo craz i usually interlock i was just lazy today lol, check out my Bullseye map to see some interlockage
  11. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    tru craz... tru, nd yea its ur opinion as is my opinion, im just saying tht altho it def helps make a map better nd less "trippy" it isnt completely necessary nd so u shouldnt flame ppl for not including the technique in their design. I do cause i like it to look neater or something, its all in what ur map is, how u want it to play out and (sometimes) how much patience u have lol... so yes i agree with u, nd disagree at the same time (???) anyway, interlocking or not, great map here :]
  12. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    Lack of 360 at the moment, or I'd take a look. Don't take what I said as an insult or anything, it's not my intention. I was just trying to make a point about the community's expectations towards interlocking.
  13. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    +pokes siggy+

    Never fails.
  14. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    dam lol, didnt see ur sig... u win this round! lol
  15. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    lolololol.funny and your shenannigans
  16. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    +tips hat+
    And ye be a worthy adversary. Seriously though, human nature is to fear the unknown. This can be bridged into ridicule of the unknown, and at times, the unknown is an opinion different than yours. I get so much crap from people for daring to speak my mind, ESPECIALLY when I have something to say other than what EVERYONE else has said. And this carries over far further in my life than the FH forums, but that's not the point. There is a difference between coming in here and talking crap on someone just because I have a superiority complex, and don't like they're map for no reason, and laying out a well thought out plan for my feelings against something, and possible ways to remedy it. Not everyone is going to want the same thing. You can not listen to what everyone has to say, but you need to listen to some, or what is the point in even bothering to look back at your own map posting to see what people said?
    The overall general gist to take away from this, is that there is a distinct difference between criticism, and flaming.
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I can't really tell much by the pics
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Okay, I've had a look.
    They gametype seems like it could be some fast-paced fun.
    Good idea but...
  19. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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