YouTube- She Looked 16 By Katha | Tainted Pictures In my opinion, the best montage of all time. Opening introduction is really cool, IMO. Maximize and watch in high quality And yes, lately, I've been posting a lot of montages that are not my own, deal with it.
Eh, editing was probably one of the best jobs I've seen done for a game montage. If that wasn't there, I think it would of just been lame gaming, cause honestly, there were a few good gaming moments, but overall, I meh'd it.
You just discovered this? This has been out for such a long time. He's already made a follow up (Jailbait.) I haven't seen this in a long time though but it's still up there as one of my all time favorite frag vids. And Youtuber, the guys playing in this montage only play PC on servers that only permit certain weapons and perks. It's not meant to be focused around gameplay, but the editing and the music (which, in my opinion, flows together flawlessly with the editing.) That being said, if any of you guys like this frag vid, I highly suggest checking out the sequel. YouTube- JAILBAIT | KATHA
The floating text along side the players was the coolest feature I think. Nice sniping, I can't wait to see longer versions and of modern warfare 2.
They don't play Modern Warfare 2 because it doesn't have dedicated server support. They're also strictly PC gamers. ):
Ya, scobra, I actualy have known about both of those vids for a while, I have most of Katha's vids on my channel. YouTube - ChRiSIzSoFiNe's Channel subscrbe /advertising And EGP, I also thought that looked cool. I've also really gotten into COD4 lately, If anyone wants to play it, shoot me an invite.