srry forgot about the links ill put them up in the morn'n This is the second version of my map* Changes to the map I have made to the map are: More buildings A weapon shop building a hospital And a few changes to the gametype Story: "Sir we are reciving a transmission from alpha squad"* "well what are you waiting for answer it"* "ok (presses a button) your on with t-bone" "cut it out I need your help my squad and I were dropped out in the middle of the desert we were lucky enough to find a small town it looks like we have enough supplies to stay alive for a while but the covanent are coming from every corner we need evac ASAP please hurry" (The game starts a few minutes before the transmision) Now onto the map description / preview There are 5 buildings* 2 new* 3 old 1st building* Weapon shop Items: Flamethrower* Spartan laser Seeking rockets Sniper rifle Assault rifle Shotgun Rocket launcher Machinegun turret Magnum x2 Outside: Inside left: Inside right: Hospital Items: Custom powerup x3*(health pack) Outside: Inside: Equiptment room: Frag grenades Radar jammer Trip mine Outside: Inside: The rest of the buildings are just for cover and have nothing in them Here THEY are* Building 1 Outside: Entrance tunnel: Lower floor: Top floor: Building 2 Outside: Inside: Human traits: Primary weapon-magnum No recharge shields 300% dmg resistance Normal shields No last man Infection settings: 90% dmg resist No recharge shields Primary weapon-plasma pistol 125% speed No alpha Custom powerup traits:* Recharge human health
still looks very open. all i can really see is that youve added one building. you need to think this through again. 1) still open 2) all the weapons/equipment are in buildings TOGETHER (camping) there are much better ODST maps out there so if you want people to download yours, do it again i hate to be a ***** but...
looks pretty good, and original too. message me if you want to play sometime. TitanFugo is my gamertag.
Wow 3 spam post on one page, new record! That aside i would have some aesthetic buildings/ cover outside to encourage players to go outside and not just camp in one building, just like belly said. P.S. check out my Lost Platoon map in my signature!