The Journey

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by From the 209, Mar 20, 2010.

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  1. From the 209

    From the 209 Forerunner

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    Map: The Journey : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype: Who's Faster : Halo 3 File Details





    Map Description: This challenging obstacle course consists of 8 portal checkpoints where you will find very difficult obstacles, as easy as it my look their are hidden barriers and curve jumps you must preform, along with the extreme fitness of testing how far you really can jump to complete the course along with a ghost jump on the 7th portal where it might seem like and impossibility I have personally successfully been able to complete every obstacle in this course. The last portal (portal 8) is by far the most challenging mainly because it is longer than the others and takes a little more thinking of how to conquer it. Good luck and enjoy.

    I am trying to abide by all of the rules and regulations of Forge hub, this is my first post and I'm trying my best to comply with all of the rules, please forgive any mistakes I have made, and point them out and I'll do my best to fix them.

    Map- The Journey
    Game type- Who's Faster
    Date Completed- 3/20/10
    Author- From the 209

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions, complaints or comments about my map.
    #1 From the 209, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2010
  2. MSG

    MSG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HI welcome to forge hub
    I can see this is your first post and you did post a link to the game type and map.
    But you need to enable your Images, try using photo-bucket.
    once your images are on there copy paste the [​IMG]
    #2 MSG, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2010
  3. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    YouTube- Screenshots Tutorial - Halo 3 Forge Forums [TinyPic]

    Map Posting Rules

    1. Threads must include at least one picture OR video that clearly demonstrates the map.
    2. All pictures must be embedded.
    3. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare.
    4. You must include at least a brief description of the map.
    5. Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY - no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting.
  4. Nitemare

    Nitemare Ancient

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    Looks pretty fun! I like ninja courses (thats what i call them) alot. Makes me feel happy inside when i complete it. Kinda like when I swish a half-court shot or, shoot a real gun. Anyways, Looks fun, I said that. I'm going to DL and all that good stuff. Sooo, yeahh. Good job.
  5. bonesaw667

    bonesaw667 Forerunner

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    dude none of the porters work cept for the 8th one
  6. From the 209

    From the 209 Forerunner

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    bonesaw667 the objective of this course to get to the oddball, in order to do that you must complete every obstacle in the order i have designed, the fusion coils unlock the next checkpoints, assuming that you die you can just go through the latest portal you have achieved the glory of conquering. Sorry if i did not make that more clear in the actual description of my map, if you ever want to play and either watch me do or just get advise on how to do this course please either message me or add me and I'd be glad to assist you in any way I can, and that goes for anyone.

    Thank you for taking the time to check out my first map ever posted,

    From the 209
  7. From the 209

    From the 209 Forerunner

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    How is that possible?

    On it says that i only have 41 dls to the map and 140 dls to the game type, i was just wondering if someone knows why that happens?
  8. From the 209

    From the 209 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    thanks for the posts.
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