So can any Christians prove to me their god exists P.S. i don't intend for this to become an ignorant rage thread or anything, so dont let is become that.
Go back to /b/, ill see your there, -.- But seriously threads like these have been discussed in the debates forum and that has been removed now. I'm catholic, and I don't believe in God in all respects a catholic should, so TBH I can't argue with you due to the fact I will agree with basicly everything you say -.-
Russel's teapot. It's generall accepted, however, that for something to be believed, it must be proved.
And THERE is the reason why these discussions are locked, it's impossible to prove one way or the other.
This thread is going to end badly. Actually no it isn't, it's going to end now. I'm sorry but this really isn't a necessary topic because you already know the answer.