I like the second one, I think the brightness of the green in the first one threw me off a little, but the second one is BEAST.. 42 LAYERS?!?!?!?!?!
Wow. Just wow. This is amazingly well done, I prefer the second one because the colours fit better and the visor looks awesome. The text is well done, the sword looks awesome, and everything overall looks great. Very well done.
2nd for sure... something is bothering me about the sword though... Can't put a finger on it. It just seems out of place. Great job though.
2nd one is better. black lines have to go, they're really weird. erase some of the c4d around the sword, it looks like it's time traveling on fire or something. and blend the sword and c4d with eachother more
AMG. I like the colouring of the atmosphere in the first, but the colour of the spartan better in the second... Both are godly-ly-epic though.
That's actually pretty constructive, thanks. The black lines I was planning on doing something with but never did. Needless to say, they're pretty far back in the PSD, too far to remove.
For me id be the second one for sure. iZumi pretty much has it down to the point where you need to fix those problems.
wow thats just pure awsome i dont like to critisize* when i dont know anything but the smokey stuff on the sword seems too clean or fake or somthing also my fave part the fire in helmet
Looks good man, the black lightning thing is a little weird but whatevs. My web designs have no fewer than 300 layers lol
Yeah... Anyways, the black lines are too prominent to me, and I definitely feel that the sword is overdone.
everything seems too messy and out of place... a lot of work went in to this so ill be careful not to offend. but i dont think its my style.
42 layers? Looks like 15 Looks good though. Nice effect on sword, but text is pretty bad. I would like it more if the color was more apparent, and he wasn't green. I also don't like the black lighting-esque effect towards the top. I like the effect at the bottom of the legs.