Foundry Shotty Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by tyzzer, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. tyzzer

    tyzzer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Shotty Arena.

    This game is hands on close quaters combat so if youdont like it your most likey to get shot in the face or burnt by a grenade.

    Reccomended for 4+ players.

    Objective: 2 teams, first to 50 wins.

    Game settings:

    Score to win: 50

    Player Settings (shotguns GameType):

    Starting weapon: Shotgun
    Weapons on map: Shotguns
    Infinite ammo

    Player Settings (Swat GameType):

    Starting weapons: Battle Rifle and Magnum
    Infinite ammo

    Let the war wage between two fractions -> Red vs Blue <-

    This is the basic layout of the map, nothing fancy, just enough cover for a Shotgun battle.







    as you can see lots of cover for this raging engagement.
    many people decide to camp in this little spot here...


    But watchout because its not all safe, you can be attacked from the back...


    Spawning is simple but random to prevent spawn killing.



    Hidden behind some corners over the barriers are Equipment, bubble shield and gravity lift, use these to your advantage.



    Firebomb grenades at the bottom of the stairs behind barriers.


    so this close quaters map is basicly a hell of a lot fun with non-stop action.



    Well thats another installment from me... Tyzzer
    so i hope you enjoy this map also.

    Download Map: Click here to download

    Download Gametype: Click here to download

    *New* Swat GameType: Click here to download

    Thanks for downloading hope you enjoy.
    #1 tyzzer, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2010
  2. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks great, i love the roof. its like the one on the bull arena. is this set up for swat? if not you should set it up because that would be amazing!
  3. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lawl at the backawrds spawn in the pics
    i know you mento take it like that
    to prevent spawn killing at more spawn across the whole map

    and it does look quite good, reminds me of an "instakill" map
    but i doubt you will know what that is, its very old and long forgoten

    but back on subject it does look fast paced and fun
    i suggest on a whole;
    put random spawns everywere
    set up for ffa shottys
  4. tyzzer

    tyzzer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the suggestions, i will surely make a V2
  5. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Since you are making a version 2, You might as well fix the Starting Points as well, its not critical, But I noticed from the screenshots the Blue Team starts in the Red Base and the Red Team starts in the Blue Base.

    Of course you should wait a while before releasing Version 2, You have spammed the hell out of the front page. Take a breather in between threads bro.
    #5 Dirt Jockey, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2010
  6. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    seeing as shotty's are pretty much my favorite weapon next to sticks, i like this map. adding sticks into the would be a nice improvement, as well as pretty much everything posted above.
  7. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    Dude this map alrdy exists, you put in some wall cornors , barriers and equipment but the credits for the roof go for someone else
  8. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have you made the roof by yourself?
    I dont want t be an ass, but your other maps look pretty basic (bad) and than there is this roof, its hard to belive that you take more time making a good roof than making a good map ...

    OT: Why would someone play Shotguns ... in a Shotty Arena ... Shotguns ... Halo 3 ... Shotguns ... Halo 3 Shotguns ... with BR Spawn
    I would just walk around on the catwalk around the map and BR the **** out of everything

    Edit: Sorry, I saw this after posting
    #8 LD, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2010
  9. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, the roof is from the map 'Torro Dome' you should give proper credit. The map looks alright, i've never played a game purely with shotguns, could be a bit of fun for a game or two.

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