House of Terror Hey guys, well im voltec, and this is my first Forgehub post, so if i do something wrong or need to add something just lemme know So well my mates and i wanted a cool infection map something like a real-life home. So i started makin one on sandbox. I wanted to make a map which is easy to get high multikills on which i personly really like ^^ but i dont want it to make it too hard for the zombies, other wise the zombies will leave and stuff and the game would end pretty soon .. Its meant to play with brains, i got a gametype myself called code red, just so we can pick up the weapons on the map and stuff this is like an overview of the whole map : Well that is it, a pretty nice home it has got 4 floors, one basement, 1st and 2nd floor and you can get on the roof ofc This is just an overview of the otherside of the crypt. This is where the humans spawn, next to the spawn theres a turrent pointing out of the window and some snipers in front. theres also a small weapon room where you can pick up some weapons like shotguns , battle-rifles and stuff. right next to them (where u see the double wall) is the stairs to the basement, theres a warthog down there and some rockets to blow up the pallet made garage door! This is the 2nd floor, this is the place the humans camp the most of the time. there are also some weapons. it seem pretty easy to survive there right? Well think again! the zombies can jump from the broken part of the house up and stab you in the back if your are too close near the wooden wall. And the last screenshot, the roof. This is where the alpha zombies spawns at the start, u can come here bu jumpin off the balcony or by walking in a cannonman. So well the zombie just needs to kill the humans, they spawn in those tubes on the ground. Humans can use many different weapons, equipment and nades. The map is spawn-kill free and its hard to camp! there are 4 ways to get in: -the front stairs -the back stairs -the garage door -the cannonman (actually 2, a second one will spawn after 3 minutes) Download : House of Terror if i need to add something just let me know plz
Hard to camp? Seriously? Did you even test this? The humans will just camp in the amoury the whole time, and zombies would quit because of how unbalanced it is. The turrets and all that stuff would just not allow zombies to get any kills, let alone have a good time. Seeing as there is three entrances to the house I think, a bunch of players that aren't even that good could just camp the house the whole time. But then again, I'm judging from the pics. Forging is pretty good though.
Camping Well thanks for the compliment but then again believe me its rlly hard to camp,its a close quarter map, the turrets make you really slow and you will be easly killed. ive tested this map a couple of times, ill make some action screenshots later and upload then. the 2nd floor right up the stairs against the wooden wall is the only real camp spot, but if you stay too closee to the wooden wall the zombies will be able to assasinate you but still thanks for the comment PS there are 4 entrances, the front "stairs" the back "stairs" the garage door and the mancannon to the roof
i think he means its hard to camp the zombie spawns theres no shame in diging in to a spot and leting your enimys come to you unless your doing that in an enimy base cus then your just asking for troble (bad spelling ) but finding a nice spot in zombie games and wateing for them to come to you is normal right evryone dose it oh and awsome map dude keep up the good work i may buy the expanshion just for it! where do the extra cannons spawn?
i downloaded this and played this with about 6 or 7 friends because a few left cause of 3 of us were camping... you can camp until there is a good amount of zombies say about 3 then you get overwhelmed so you need as many zombies as there is campers to overwhelm them... great map though the forging is amazing i just posted my first map... it isnt forged but i think is a good game: Click here to see Mongoose Golf
I'm not going to repeat what everyone just said... Advice... -Two ways into EVERY camp spot -Balance every campspot so that the humans don't all flood to one -Limit ammunuitions and create resupply stores outside the base to create a risk V reward scenario -Make active camos at the zombie spawns (Spawn time NO 90 Secs) The forging looks fine though good job on that.
Thanks for the comments ill work on that but what do you guys think are the best camp spots? so i can make ways for zombies to get to it?
yeah i can make a V2, so the weapon armory as a great camping spot? mmm .. ive never seen ppl camping there before but ill think of a way to prevent that from happening