This is my new track so far, please comment with positive and negative feedback with what you can say from the pictures. Thanks and hope you like it!
Looks great! This reminds me of a SLiK or Spectac map. Very clean and looks like it will be very fun. Nice work. I will be looking forward to seeing this take shape.
Devastation looks like a very clean racetrack so far, so keep up the great work Altair! I'm always surprised to see a racetrack in the making, because racetracks are always so much different in the forging aspect than competitive maps are. Of course then we have people like AceofSpades who builds both competitive and racetrack maps... Grrr... Good luck with the rest of Devastation, building racetracks has always been something I haven't been able to do, so any racetrack in my opinion is a great one!