Actually, me and 3 friends are creating one... you want in? We already have the software, but extra hands are always needed.
woodstock or possibly attempt to do either of the following - tell the one guy who could have killed hitler in WW1 to shoot hitler instead of his friend. - stop jimmy hendrix from ODing.
1. Id definately go back in time with all my money and buy as many shares of microsoft and apple as I could when It came out/ invest in them 2. I'd want the ability to fly By the way I have made my long awaited return muahhahahaha
what if hitler's friend turned out to be worse? 0.o that lesser of 2 evils, like hitler 2 (yeah, i've chosen that to be his name) killed all the Jews, American, European (other than germany...duh) and many many more... also, he kills puppies. that would suck... I would go back to hitler's conception (or a few minutes before) and talk his parents into scrabble tournuments instead. I would also want to learn the guitar, as that would actually kick ass... or the french horn... because so few do it, i'd be in with a shot of being the best ever. Hendrix but french horn style...
In the order of 2 then 1, have super powers, get tons of money, go foreward in time with my time machine, have my disease be cured, go back in time to present day
I rather kill Stalin. Him and hitler have special spots in he most fiery spot in hell. The thing is Stalin lived unchallenged and caused the deaths of millions more than hitler. Damn asshole. I want to be any of bruce Willis's roles ranging from saving the planet or country. And partners up with Tracy Morgan.
1.) go back and have a conversation with myself, trippy **** bro... 2.) I would want to see what this world will look like in the future, and ask God to show me any extraterrestrials that he's made.
1. i would go back in time and see how the universe was realy created. 2.wak into the bungie office and jizz all over the halo reach alpha.
1. I would go back in time and assassinate Hitler and Stalin. 2. I'd become a multi-trillionaire and be able to buy anything (including people).