Hey this is my first post. This is basically a machinima/fun map, although i may make a territories game with it. It has no interlocking whatsoever as this was made when the Heroic Map Pack was first released. There is also a hidden room for you all to find. It contains items that my freinds added while making it. No hints as to where it is but you dont need Forge to get there. Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Inside Sniper Tower Sniper Tower Main Base Theres screenys for you all. i am in the process of making some other maps so there wont be a v2 anytime soon
use this to post screen shot http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/18644-embed-screenshots-your-map-thread.html
The Guy above me thank you for that link Ok you have every thing correct except thoose pictures. 1. Take your pictures online 2. Go to Bungie and download your pictures off there 3. Go to www.photobucket.com and create and account. 4. upload them to there, and copy the IMG code 5. copy the links onto this website and it should turn out like this
sorry am not ussally strict but, this is in the asthectics section and its for switches and perfectly detailed maps and this is not a switch not perfection, its a dump, am sorry but if i was a mod i'd warn you for spam
I'd hate to say it, but like the person above me this lakes Aesthetic. It lacks merging, and seems like it was wiped up in a day, if not a few hours. True forging takes time and skill, I'd try visiting the Forging 101 section before your next post, don't give up though.
Please don't take anything anyone says to offence, we all know this world is filled with some people who just don't like anything, and like all forums, there are always some people who think that they own them. I think it looks great, and this forum isn't for posting the best map there is, it's for showing off your map you think looks cool, if people like it or not. Good luck forging!