Aperture Science Lab 01 Made by Toastman 500 Long before the creation of GLaDOS or the Hand Held Portal Projection Device, Tests were still conducted using live experiments and portals. However Black Mesa was attempting the same, so Aperture Science Labs decided to withdraw form the public so that none of their secrets would be reveled. Many months passed by as the scientists performed easy tests on willing subjects. However, as time passed and willing subjects grew sparse, the scientists turned to the local prison to provide for subjects. Also, humanity and respect diminished from the scientists and they began performing more cruel and mind challenging tests which resulted in the serious harm and death of some subjects. Eventually the scientists decided that no one must know of this, and so they decided on an ingenious way to bait the subjects through the different stages, rewarding the subject with promises of cake. The tests always ended with the extermination with the subject. Eventually the scientists ran out of prisoners and resorted to stealing orphans and placing their bodies in cryo chambers until they had grown to the desired age and all memory of their previous life had vanished. You are Test subject #04 and you are assigned the task of completing the 4 test chambers ahead. The chamber you start in. Wait 10 seconds until you can leave the chamber. The first test, subjects are armed with the Aperture Science Labs Anti-Pallet Device. Do not use the Aperture Science Labs Anti-Pallet Device unless instructed to do so by your instructor. Moving on to the second test chamber you may notice that part of the bridge has fallen. Do not worry as a Certified Aperture Science Labs repair man will be their shortly to fix the mishap. Remain where you are and please wait. Your patience will be rewarded by cake. //Edit<administrative_properties_on// There are 2 more tests, maybe more, so keep your hopes up and try to complete them. Good luck. AND THE CAKE IS A\\end_transmission\\ //unauthorized_access_override_enabled// Success... Map - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
I love the Half Life/ Portal references (great games), but my undeniable bias aside this looks like a great idea for a map but the forging does look sub-par. Possibly a v2 in line? Anyways good job and keep up the good work.
the cake is a lie i loved portal, missed 1 of the rat chambers, and i hope this is as fun as the original was. i do agree with jrcane the, the forging is a little heavy on the eyes. il try this one, and if theres a v2 il try that as well.
First, awesome idea. And second, don't take this criticism wrong, just trying to debug. I tried it out, but had some issues, I couldn't figure out what you want the test subject to do about unblocking the teleporters, and the part where you have to climb the tall tower to jump into the teleporter- do you have to grenade jump? I also found the "golf" bit to be rather useless other than having to go thru the teleporter multiple times. I'll post my revision of it later, let me know what you think. Same map, just a couple renovations. edit: here's a link to my version, let me know what you think. (I am a novice forger compared to most of what I've seen on this site, so don't set your expectations too high.) http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=108410038
I hated it JK. I loved it, waitng for the second. And make sure that the forging is a little more neat for it ok.