hey ive seen this group before. never thought to join. just did. yeah... i like to skateboard. and i like to party. and i like to forge signatu... i mean maps... i live in probably the best place on the west coast. san diego. yeup. im 17 and you can learn my name some other way or somethin i dunnoh, but for now just call me local. yeah kinduh moved here from BWO. so if youre from there hit me up and give me the 411 here. but for anyone i dont know, if youre chillin, hit me up as i try to learn my way around here. hahaha oh and youre automatically my friend if you like Wu Tang Clan
Welcome, and for being 17 you should already know the basic rules and whatnot. Also, if you learn how to type correctly you will be much more appreciated. It bugs some people I guess. Btw, i think Chicago is the coolest place to live, but we do have a place down near Sebastopol.