
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Random11714, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    This map and game keeps you on edge, always looking out for yourself. "A Spec Ops team is sent to eradicate the local infestation in the sewers."

    Only one screenshot is needed, the overview, because the map is somewhat symmetrical and you can tell what the inside looks like from the outside.

    Overview with filters:
    Overview without filters:
    The zombies spawn in the towers, and the humans spawn in the middle.
    There are absolutely no weapons on the map. The humans must survive for 3 minutes with only SMG's, and trust me, it's a challenge for sure. The zombies are 15% faster but 50% weaker. Humans have no radar, and this is a pretty close-range map, so it's easy to get caught by surprise. Alpha zombies and Beta zombies have the same traits, and the last man standing gets a waypoint. There is a blue light to lead you towards the center. A MUST FOR HUMANS TO SURVIVE HERE: STAY TOGETHER! YOUR ALLIES DO NOT HAVE WAYPOINTS!

    Six to ten players recommended.

    Dl map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=108191914

    Dl Game: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=108197531

    VOTE: Comment on which version is better, filters or no filters.
    Note: This map was in no way intended to end up with the same name as the recently featured MLG map Pipeline.
    #1 Random11714, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  2. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    Is good idea but it looks a little small. Using more pieces that aren't pipe related would be a good way to make it larger.
  3. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    Perhaps having a few breaks in the pipe and making some rooms w/ a little cover would ba nice, and maybe you could make it all comnnected so theres no dead ends and with the zombies spawning on the main floor and dropping into the aforementioned rooms via teleporter and having a sheild door over the drop points so as to eliminate tele camping. just a few ideas. looks nice and even though.
  4. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @Toastman 500: If I made it any bigger it would be way to easy to get lost. I made this map so it could be a fun yet simple game.

    @Ferocious Leaf: I have updated the map now, and now you can't camp, and there are teleporters for quick navigation for zombies, and shield doors to prevent spawn killing. You don't really need cover with how small the map is.

    Note: the wall slits are trash, and I didn't delete them so I wouldn't mess up the budget glitch.
    #4 Random11714, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2010
  5. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    i know people have already said this but your map really really needs to be far larger. make a larger one in a v2
    1) bigger
    2) not symetrical, make it random
    3) a mix of big/small tunnels
    4) make a couple of rooms

    its a great idea, the maps just lets it down a bit
  6. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @Belly391: After having two people say my map needs to be bigger, I decided to contemplate on how to do so effectively. Again I repeat, though, making the map bigger will only make it way to easy to get lost. Humans are encouraged to stay in the middle to survive. Making the map larger will make the zombies take longer to reach the humans, making it easier for the humans in the center, and harder when far away from the center. It's obvious you have not played this map. The inside is more confusing than it looks. If it weren't for the blue light, anyone would get lost. I'm low on tube pieces to make it larger anyways. Making it random would make areas of the map familiar, making it easier to not get lost. Not being familiar with your surroundings is part of the game, but it doesn't need to be too easy to get lost either. Now having big and small tunnels is an interesting idea, and I'm currently thinking of how to incorporate that into the map. Rooms would definitely not help at all. It might help the aesthetics, but it would ruin the gameplay, by making camping rooms. If I have missed your point, by that I mean if you think I don't understand what you're trying to say, then please explain more of what you're trying to say.

    VOTE: Comment on which version is better, filters or no filters.
    But please, when you consider your vote, consider the theme of the map at the same time. The map's theme is in the sewers if you haven't noticed.
    #6 Random11714, Mar 18, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  7. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    I personally would like to see some screenshots of the inside of the map before you get my DL. You have 20 screenshots at your disposal for a reason. I never use filters since they're annoying. Rather than critisizing the critics, learn from it and try for a V2. I'll give it a try and get back to you with it. Seems a lot like Lockdown. A good piece of advice without having to look at the map is focus on one or the other; static defence or travel; not both. If you focus on travelling, extend the map. A static defence; Keep the map the same size and refine it. If you want DL's, you need to listen to your audience.

    I'll pop back later with some proper feedback,

  8. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @Twilight GNOME: I only took a screenshot of the outside because it's pretty easy to tell what the inside looks like from the outside. It's really just some tube pieces fitted together. I think I'd rather focus on static defense for this map. Enlarging it is just too hard, but I'm doing the best I can. I listen to my audience as much as I can, but if I realize their ideas will ruin the gameplay I try to find other ways to do it or explain why I can't do it.
  9. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    random11714: I agree with the other few people who said you should make the map bigger. I have a couple of possibilites you could try in order to do this without making the map too confusing. 1) a great idea would be to "color code" the map. Try using noticable blue and red lights/columns in certain areas to so people can form a mental image of where they are in the map. You could also merge custom power-ups to make a "yellow area." 2) going along with the previous idea, you could expand the teleporter system for the zombies. Add a simple mainframe for the spawning zombies with multiple teleporters. You could merge an overshield, camo, and custom power-up into the wall above 3 teleporters. Zombies could take the teleporter under the camo to get to the "blue area," overshield teleporter to get to the "red area" and custom power-up to the "yellow area." I know this sounds complex, but if you do it in a simple way, it will provide easy movement around the map. 3) Lastly, create some unique scenery. This will help players know where they are. Exaple: zombie 1- "where is the last man?" zombie 2- "he's over by that column that looks like an elephant"
    Well, hope this stuff helps. The idea of the map is great, so try to use the help we've provided you to enlarge the map while keeping it as simple as you can.
  10. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @jshaf23: I love your idea with the powerups. I've never considered that before. My main problem now is just that I'm running out of materials to make it larger. Since the first request, I've made the map larger, TWICE. I seriously would if I could, but the materials just aren't available. Besides, there's not that much room left in the crypt anyways... I seriously think you guys need to actually test this map and game out before you give any constructive criticism, because if you did, you probably wouldn't want it larger. Traveling is not the major aspect of the map and game. The major aspect is staying together with your teamates.
  11. anemone

    anemone Ancient

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    The map looks cool but it needs to be bigger you said you did that also though there should be traps so humans cant get to the middle unless they go a certain way
  12. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    The humans start in the middle... And if you actually played the game and map you would know why I'm so reluctant to make it larger.
  13. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    i've made a map called sewer rats (search it up if you want to) based on the same idea your map is but instead of the way you have made it i put the humans at the bottom of a circle/hexagon/type of shape and the zombies, (rats) would drop down ont the from differant entrances above, i cant explain that well but preety much that.

    if i dident make that map i would ask you to as a v2 but since i already have i suggest you try too mix it up, make your map unique, standing above all others, i would love to help but my last serious forge session was like a year ago, and my mics broke so that wouldnt help

    anyway onto your map.

    pros; its a good idea, works quite well, keeps you on 'the edge'
    cons; camping with 2 people guarding a zombie spawn and the rest camping next to them guarding the main room entrance destroys gameplay, forging isent that great, (i usally dont care much and only focus on gameplay but i was lookin at asthetic maps before)

    the idea is really good but could be pushed to a further level.
  14. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    There's not a single place in this map that you can camp in effectively... And when I forge for aesthetics, I always forge to the best of my ability. The fact that you have very limited ammunition halts a lot of camping, and there are no dead ends. In other words, there's always a flanking route or two. About your map, actually I have seen the post before. I don't remember what it looked like, but I actually came up with this idea a long time ago, this is just like the third time I've remade it, it's just I decided to put it on Forgehub this time.
    #14 Random11714, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010

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