Most video game players experience this. After you use a controller for a while, the left analogue stick becomes fairly loose. This often causes the drifting you see in players when they run upstairs to get some snacks, and why when you're crouching in call of duty, resting your thumb on the stick, you may randomly go out of scope. My favorite controller has been doing this for about a month now, and it's pretty annoying. I'm a poor teenager. I don't have 60 bucks to dish out onto a new controller. It's more annoying than game affecting, and I could easily wait much longer before deciding to pay money to get an "annoyance" fixed. So I would rather not spend any money, but I would like the problem not to be there. So I was wondering, does anyone have an easy, quick, priceless way to fix a controller with a loose drifting analogue stick? If you do, it would be greatly appreciated.
You can always open your controller up and fiddle around with it. Be careful though, don't **** up your controller more than it is now. Also if it helps, in some of my other controllers I had a few that would drift, so I would hold the analog stick in the opposite direction of the drift, pull out the stick and push it back in and it usually solved the problem.
mine has the problem of getting loose and not being very responsive... but i dont know if that can be changed
well mine does sort of the same thing but my controlers get real stiff, i use a product can't remember the name and it turns them like there back to normal not sure if it would work with controls which are really loose.